Chapter 12 - A Short Break

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We are back once again.

I think it's goin decently.

Now imma start.


Ruby and James were in Ozpin's Office the next morning.

After what happened the night of the dance, specifically the attack, Ozpin wanted them both there to explain their side of what happened.

And as if it wasn't tense enough, Ruby pressed all the buttons on the elevator which created a very long elevator journey.

Anyway, they were there now and explained all they saw and did.

"After that, she was just gone, like she vanished." Ruby finished.

"It's like she had the whole thing planned out. She knew exactly how to escape if someone spotted her. Whoever she was."

The other James, Ironwood, seemed pleased with their efforts.

"We investigated the tower and found she tampered with one of the computers. We're not sure what she did, but I have people investigating. Whoever did it isn't a simple hacker."

"Perhaps I'll have Ms. Xing have a look."

"With all due respect, Ozpin, I'd prefer to go through this in a professional way."

James, the teen, shook his head, Ironwood noticed.

"Something you want to add Mr. Logan?"

"Not at all. Just, let me know when you've scared Mara into hiding. Then I'll come in and tell you just how fucked we are."

"My men are more than capable of handling this. I don't need the permission of a child belonging to who used to be terrorists."

"My parents weren't terrorists."

"Were they not assisting this Agency? Did they not work for this organisation? Wasn't it your father who assisted in the progress of Syphon Filter?"

"Keep your men on a short leash, General."

"Or what?"

James glared at Ironwood.

"Or I'll wring your fuckin neck with it!"

"Enough. If your team is unable to find anything, I will contact Ms. Xing and give her a chance to see what has happened. James-er. Mr. Logan, please continue to do what you can for us. James." Ozpin looked up at Ironwood. "Do not do anything drastic and wait."

"If we get Roman Torchwick we'll hand him over and you can handle interrogations. He knows something." James added.

Ironwood seemed contempt with this.

"Very well. However, I won't wait forever. If this takes too long, I'm taking matters into my own hands. Regardless, you both did exceptionally well last night. You saw a threat and acted on it. You are both everything we look for in Hunters."

"I share the same feeling on this. Both of you deserved a well earned break. Take the chance before you all select a mission tomorrow."

"Can I ask one more thing?" James asked.

"Of course."

James looked over at Professor Goodwitch.

"Professor. Do you remember when you first met Ruby and I? That woman you fought."

"I recall, yes. What of it?"

"The woman we saw seemed to have the same if not similar powers as the woman you fought that night... Coincidence?"

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