Chapter 10 - Overworking Teammates

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Back once again. I fuckin love this story.

Now let's get into it.


Team RWBY and Team GUNN, minus one person, were all in the auditorium setting things up for the dance, because apparently that's important for Hunters all across Remnant.

Mike used his semblence to help Yang reach higher places when hanging things up.

"Yang my arm is tired, hurry up."

"Yeah yeah, one sec... There, all done."

He then let her down and they both walked over to see Mel and Ruby sitting at one of the tables, Jessie was talking to them, trying to cheer them up.
Something was bothering them both.

"What're the depressed looks about?" Mile asked.

"Ruby is worried about Blake, Mel is worried about our leader." Jessie answered them quickly.

"Come on, you guys should be excited! This is gonna be really fun!" Yang then sat beside Ruby and leaned closer. "I picked you up a nice dress that might impress James."

"Thanks... I guess...... W-Wait, what?! Yang!"

"What? Come on, you haven't asked him yet?"

"I'm not surprised." Mike added.

"You're not helping."

"Not trying to."

"Look, just ask him and I promise you he'll go with you! If not, I'll break his arms for breaking your heart." Yang stated.

"Please don't hurt our leader." Mel begged her. "I'd be surprised if he even went at all, regardless if someone asks to go with him."

"Ok, that's concerning. You're usually more upbeat, Mel." Yang commented.

"Him and Blake have both been working non-stop ever since the thing at the docks." Mel said.

"And it's killing them. It's not hard to see... No point in the dance at all if they won't go to enjoy it even for a second." Ruby added to that.

"Trust me Rubes, Blake will be there. I'll make sure of that. James on the other hand...?" Yang trailed off. "... I can't make any promises, that guy is impossible to read and even harder to predict. What's he even trying to find?"

"Uh... Well..." Jessie tried to think of something.

"He's looking for ways to improve himself. Since he doesn't have his aura." Mike covered it easily.

"You sure? He's very tense. Like, all the time."

Mel stood up.

"You know what? I'm gonna make him go to the dance! I'm gonna go up to him, point a finger in his face and say "hey! Go ask Ruby to the dance!" He owes us for jumping out of that window!" Mel said and stormed off.

"Why does everyone want me to go with James? It's not like he's my boyfriend or anything!"

"Funny." Yang grinned. "Not one of us said he was."

Ruby's face slowly grew to be the same colour as the rock she was named after.

"I have the right to remain silent."
-Ozpin's Office-

James leaned on the wall as he watched Ozpin talk to a man in an Atlesian Military uniform.

"Ozpin, I don't doubt your plans, but I don't understand. It sounds to me like you have had a number of opportunities to stop this madness. And now you want me to standby and wait while our enemies are planning to recreate a bioweapon?"

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