Chapter 5 - Working With A Cat

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Back once again for more of this. The story that's related to my favourite game of all time.

Let's get started.


It's been roughly a week since life at Beacon started for the new 1st year students.

Everyone seems to be adapting well and getting used to the routine.

Teams are bonding and getting along fine as well as developing their abilities in combat and other areas.

And right now, James was heading for team RWBY's dorm.

Recently he's been talking with Blake about this White Fang stuff, in private, obviously.
He can learn more about them from her.

Knocking on the door, he's greeted by Ruby, the team leader.

"Hey Ruby. Blake there?"

Ruby seemed to deflate slightly, then nodded as she regained her posture.

"Sure. Blake, James is here!"

"I'm five feet away, I can hear him."

Blake came into view and stepped out of the room.

"I'll be back in a while." She told them.
The two were in a secluded part of the school, sitting and talking.

James needed as much information as he could get from her and she was happy to help.
His situation was indeed concerning.

"So I know my parents are targets. And so am I?"

"Yes. Though only your parents were marked to be killed. Not you. They actually wanted to capture you."

"... Maybe to lure my dad in... Not a big deal. He's taught me plenty of methods to escape capture."

"And now that you mentioned it a few days ago, about the underground lab...."

"What about it?"

Blake tried to think.

"Before I left, I heard them talking about something to do with underneath Vale. Something about an underground tunnel? Maybe they meant the lab?"


They both talked for a while about this. Giving ideas of what could be going on underneath them.

They ended up in Vale, walking around just so no one ended up finding them and listening to their conversation.

"I just don't get it. Who could bring the Agency back?... Mara?"

"Mara.... That's a familiar name too." Blake said.

"It is?"

"Yeah. I heard the new leader of the Fang mention that name. I just assumed it was another member..."

"That's.... Concerning... Why is the White Fang, an organisation that hates humans, working with one?" James asked, trying to understand that one.

"Who is she?"

"I've never met her, but my parents have... She was the right hand woman of Erich Rhoamer. Dead terrorist, responsible for the existence of Syphon Filter. From what I've heard, total psychopath. A smart one too."

"I see... So they think she can help them achieve their goals?... I don't get it... Aside from that. You think they might find something in that Lab?"

"Or worse. They already found something... And with the Vale City Council stalling to do something about it, whether it's due to outside influence or not, it's perfect for them. You wouldn't think to look there... Maybe they found something and brought it here?"

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