Chapter 4 - Suspicion.

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We are back again.

And we will not waste time.


James was the first of his team to wake up.

He woke Mel up and she woke up Jessie.

Mike was the problem.

They couldn't get him up.

"Hey James. Gimme that taser thing." Jessie said looking to her leader.

"Why?" He asked.

"To wake up this lazy fucker. I promise to give it back. If he breaks it he pays for it." She said.

"Oh. Ok, here. Please don't let it break, it's a gift from my dad."

James threw it to her and went straight into the bathroom.

From inside the bathroom he heard the taser go off and a lot of shouting after.

"Not my problem."

James got himself ready quickly and left the bathroom. He grabbed his stuff and went for the door.

"You three go to class without me. I got something to take care of." He said as he opened the door.

"Where the hell are you going?" Mike asked.

"Ozpin asked me to be in his office this morning." James answered plainly.

"What the hell did you do in the little time we were here to get called to his office? Kill someone?" He asked.

James gave him a blank look.

"Yes. Yes I did. Not what I'm there for though."

And with that James left.

"... Why the hell am I stuck with him? Couldn't have had a worse teammate." Mike complained.

"Ok, what is your problem with him?" Jessie asked, annoyed at him. She looks to Mel. "I'm sorry about him."

Mel shook her head.

"It's fine. James doesn't seem bothered by it." She said before walking into the bathroom leaving the brother and sister to argue.

"My problem is that he's here at all! We trained like hell to get here! He just learns to shoot a gun and here he is."

Jessie groaned. This was something that just got under her skin. Always thinking that he deserves something just because he trained hard to get where he is.

"You wanted to be the leader, didn't you." Jessie guessed.

He just turned away.

"Forget it."

She gave up and looked around.

"Hmm... This place is too plain. I'm decorating." She said as she unpacked.

Mel heard that and was out of the bathroom in seconds.

"Yes! Decorating!" She cheered.

Jessie laughed. She liked Mel. She was funny.
James was looking at his scroll, trying to make sense of the map of the school.

"Screw it, I'm getting a different map."

He pressed a few buttons and the map changed to show just the floor he was on with his exact position. (Basically the map you have in Syphon Filter, the first three games.)

He followed the map until he got to the elevator and was on his way up to Ozpin's office.

It was a few minutes in the elevator before it opened. He saw Ozpin sitting in his office with his infamous cup of coffee.

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