Chapter 14 - Come With Us If You Wanna Live

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Back once again.

Recently got back to playing Black Ops and Black Ops 2. Class games. Black Ops 2 was the absolute best in my opinion from the campaign to the Zombies.

Anyway. Enough of that. Let's do it.


James and his father Logan eventually made it to the place that girl was at. They went inside to see it was now more of a safehouse from any Grimm outside.

Thankfully both of them dealt with any that attacked them or got near.

Stepping inside and shutting the doors, they both look around after going down the steps.

"Are you two Huntsmen?"

"No, but you're safe for now. Anything that gets in won't get far." Logan reassured them.

James nodded at that and looked at the crowd that was here, not sure if he could see the girl they were here for.

"We're looking for Kate Harper."
There were confused looks and talking, but no response to the name.

"Kate Harper?"

"M... Me?"

A new voice came from the other end of the room, shaky and nervous sounding.

James looked over to see the girl was probably just barely older than him.
Which confused him.

"Kate?" James went over and whispered so no one would hear. "You're too young to have been with the Agency for the time you have."

"I... I never was... That was... my mom."

Still confused, but less so, James shook his head.

"A-Are you here to kill me?"

"No, but you need to come with us. You come with us and give us what we want, we can guarantee your safety." James told her. "Look I know you're scared, but you can trust us."

"I...... H-How do I know I can?"

"Because we're shooting at the guys that'll shoot at you."

"Speaking of, they're here James!" Logan shouted.


James dragged her to cover as bullets barely missed her.


"Listen to me Kate, I'm getting you out of here alive. Stick close to me and do exactly what I say, clear?"


"Good. When I say so, run to him, he's with me." He pointed over at Logan who was dealing with the agents who finally looked the part of terrorists. "Ready... Go!"

James stood up and shot down the first two guys he saw, the next guy he couldn't get a good shot on but kept firing to stop him from retaliating.

Kate quickly ran off and finally reached Logan who pushed her to the ground to avoid gunfire.

"Link group up, I'll cover!" Logan shouted, keeping them distracted as James rushed over to join him.

"Kill Logan and his kid! Then go for the girl!" One of them shouted before getting shot in the skull.

James joined up with his dad again and handed his assault rifle to Logan who returned the shotgun.
Before switching to his pistol, James shot a guy who was getting close to them.

"Changing, keep me covered!" Logan shouted as James kept them busy with his .45. When Logan was back into the fight her gestured for James to move. "Move up, it's us they want, not the civilians!"

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