Chapter 8 - Special In Your Way

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And guess who has returned. Again.
Probably said it before already, but not important.

What's important is the story I need to get on with.

Let's get it.


Ruby was having an even better time than before.

Bringing James to this escape room thing was a genius idea, because he's pretty smart and makes things entertaining.

He was able to figure out some things that weren't just complete mind fucks and she was able to do the ones that were more or less just references to things James didn't know.

And when he got something wrong, he would slam his hand on a table, which got a laugh from Ruby.
He must have realised that's her humour as he kept doing it.

Although, he was still cautious. Of what, she wasn't sure.

He often nearly reached for his pocket, but relaxed soon after.

Despite that, she was enjoying her time with him.

Unfortunately, it had to end eventually.
The pair of very young, younger than normal, first year Beacon students returned to the school when it was nearing night time.

"Did I seriously not tell you my age?" James asked, half smiling.

"I don't think so. If you did, I don't remember... I didn't think you were my age!" She said, surprised.

"Yeah. Only I'm less qualified."

"Oh don't say that. Maybe your aura will come by soon. I believe in you, James!"

James laughed a little.

"Haha... Thanks Ruby..... I'm glad one of us does."


"It's not important. Come on, lets-"


James stopped and looked over at Ruby, confused.
What's that about?

"I heard you. James... You're glad one of us does?... You don't believe in yourself?"

He paused, then sighed.

"No... I don't... I don't think I can do this, to be honest, but if I don't... Who else will?" He went on, forgetting what she was talking about. "If I don't do this, we're all screwed... I can't fail or I put us all at risk. And disappoint my family."

"James. What are you talking about?"

"Imagine it. Gabriel Logan, unknown hero of the world. And his son fails at the very same job."

"Hey! Stop it!"

"Stop what?"

"That! Pushing yourself down!" Before James got to say a word, she suddenly hugged him. "I know it's not easy for you, but Ozpin invited you to Beacon for a reason. Don't you remember how we met?"

"How we met?... Oh, yeah. You mean in that dust shop? I remember."

"And when we were attacked, you did your best and we both got out of that without a scratch. So you're plenty capable!" She gripped the collar of his shirt and pulled his face closer. "If I hear you doubting yourself again, I will hurt you."

"Uh... Alright, got it... Sorry."

"It's fine." She let go of him and walked on "I'll see you tomorrow. Bye!"

She then left.

James quickly went back to his dorm room to sleep and then think.
-Next Day-

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