Chapter 9 - Missing Cat

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Back again to the story that even if no one reads, I will still write because I enjoy it.

Now let us begin.


While everyone else was out in Vale having fun, and definitely not scouting the competition for the Vytle festival tournament to happen in a couple months, well, JNPR were kinda busy with other things too, mainly training and team strategy stuff.
Anyway, James was up in Ozpin's office.

He was with Ozpin, obviously, a Huntsman that seemed laid back, and his dad's old friend who they finally managed to get into contact with, Lawrence Mugari.

"Anything else of interest at that camp?" Ozpin asked.

"No. They were armed pretty well, had a lot of supplies and were there for samples and... test subjects..." He shook his head. "I had a little talk with the scientist on site. Two of my teammates are targets, but they weren't the focus. Ruby was. She was a priority to them."

"Would have done worse than just shoot him." The Huntsman said, clearly annoyed.

"Well at least that creep won't be able to do any more harm."

"And why is it that Ms. Rose is the priority?"

"I dunno. The guy was rambling on about how her eyes could be a big component in Syphon Filter. Like the answer to them controlling it... they wanted to see if her eyes had other effects?" He stopped pacing. "I'm confused, what's so important about Ruby's eyes?"

"It's simple, actually... Do you remember what I first said to her when we met?" Ozpin asked him.

"Yeah. You mentioned she had Silver Eyes? That's what he kept saying too. Are they unique?"

"Yes. A silver eyes warrior like Ms. Rose has more potential than anyone in this school so far. Not only in her fighting prowess, but her eyes. Silver eyes are capable of a lot of things we do not know. The main one is the petrification of Grimm. When one learns to control this power, they can become quite the unstoppable force." He began thinking. "And they believe it could be a component in this virus?"

"Yeah, like a solid cure or something. Some way they could control the virus better."

"I see..."

"So, we gonna talk about this agent stuff or what?" The huntsman asked.

"Thank you for reminding me Qrow. Mr. Mugari."

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Ozpin. I apologise for not being able to meet sooner. The agency has left quite the mess to clean up."

"I imagine they have. And unfortunately, someone is still keeping it alive in order to bring back-"

"I have been made aware of the situation. Ms. Xing informed me of the situation. You wished to know if there were any possible remnants of the agency alive, yes?"

"Correct. We already know about the lead scientist Elsa Weissinger and the second of the terrorist Rhoamer. Mara Aramov." Ozpin said, standing up and walking over to his coffee machine.

"Ran into her in the old agency labs. They were still using it. Speaking of, is that being dealt with yet?" James asked.

"I am doing all I can to ensure that is dealt with. Your work down there has put attention on it, especially with that sudden explosion."


Mugari then spoke up.

"As far as I am aware, Logan killed a number of them before we found out the true intentions of the agency. There could be someone alive that could give us better information, but I would have to do a lot of digging."

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