Chapter 15 - Refuse To Fail Here

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Aw shit, here we got again.

Back at it with the Syphon Filter stuff.

Let's do it.


James hopped out of the Bullhead after landing.

"Alright, you're here. When you have what you came for, talk to Leo Lionheart, he runs the Academy. He'll contact Ozpin and I'll come back to pick ya up." The pilot told him.

"Got it, I'll see ya soon if I don't die."

"Good luck, been hearin a lot of people goin missing around that group of bandits. I'll leave ya be."

He eventually flew off, leaving James alone.

"Long way from home... Let's do this."

James turned and headed for Haven Academy. Thankfully, he didn't have to walk far since he landed outside the place.
Leo apparently knew the place like the back of his hand.
He'd know the best route to take for this Bandit camp.

He entered the place and after walking inside a bit, making his way past the somewhat crowded school full of students, he was approached by a Lion Faunus.

"Ah, y-you must be James, the boy Ozpin told me about."

"That's me. Leo Lionheart? We need to talk quietly, alone."

"Wh-Why of course! Ozpin informed me of your reason for b-being here. This way, my office will be the right place to talk."

"Alright, lead the way."
James followed Leo to his office, but on his way there, he could have sworn he was being watched.
From every angle he could feel it.

'Maybe someone in the school is watching me? Someone working here or a fake student?' He shook his head. 'Focus. You might be overthinking it... Still, better to be alert. Hand on that gun James.'

After arriving in the office, Leo sat at his desk.

"Ozpin told me you know the area. Bandits have set up camp and they have something I want. You know the best way to get there?"

"Ye- Uh, well..."

James put his scroll on the table and brought up the map with the camp on it.

"It's in this area. I don't know this place so I need someone to tell me about anything I might run into. Grimm? Any clue on where these bandits patrol outside of the camp? Preferably that second one."

"Ah, Y-Yes! Now I remember... We avoid that area to avoid any students getting hurt. You see this road? There's a place they frequently go to along that road. Whatever angle you wish to go for, that's the best bet for making contact with them..."

Leo seemed unreasonably nervous.

'What's got him spooked? Bandits tryna pressure him or something?' He ignored it and nodded, picking his scroll up. "Preciate it. I'm heading out now. When I come back I'll need a Bullhead called to bring me back to Beacon. Wish me luck."

He left the room and Leo breathed a sigh of relief.

"H-He didn't seem to s-suspect anything... thank god... Logan... Logan... Why does that name sound familiar? Do I know another with that name?" He thought for a minute, then shrugged it off.
James had walked for what felt like a few hours.
He stopped at a place along that road Leo talked about and was just sort of waiting to see if anyone showed up.

Thankfully, his patience was rewarded.

The door to the place opened and a guy just a bit taller than him walked in.

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