Chapter 11 - A School Dance To Remember

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Back once again. Hope I don't make this shit, if it isn't already.

Now let's get started.


James stood in Ozpin's office and was watching what was currently going on.

Ozpin and his mom were having a disagreement.
What about? He's not sure, but he thinks it's about him.

Also, Ozpin doesn't like that James kept information from him last time.

'Too bad. I'm not gonna tell anyone a thing about that except maybe mom and dad. They know Mara more, so I'll run it by them to see if my guess was right.'

"What bothers me is our agreement to work together, yet your son still kept information from me. Our deal was to work together to deal with this."

"With respect, I didn't make that deal with General Ironwood. I know if he found out he would have brought his soldiers, can't do that or Mara goes into hiding." James explained. 'And things would be really complicated if he was there and saw everything.'

"That doesn't change anything, you still-"

"Just...! Can you stop acting like he's your soldier or something? James I know you're able to do a lot more than most kids your age, but you're still young. Don't push yourself so much. If you know what you're doing is right, don't stop, that doesn't mean never take a break."

"I... I can't stop and take a break, I have to keep-"

"James, you're not alone in this." Logan told him, cutting him off. "I thought I could do everything myself before, then I met your mother. And believe me, when you get a break, take advantage of it, because with this kind of work those are rare."

"... Right..."

"Hey. I'm proud of you."

"I- Uh... Thanks, dad."

That got James to stop. He can't remember if he ever heard that, but he has now. And it's... nice.

"Well you heard everything now, so just forget about it and focus on what matters." Logan said before standing up and turning to leave. Lian followed dragging James with her.

Soon they were in the elevator heading down as Lian calmed down.

Logan then looked at James.

"So what else happened at the hideout? You didn't just burn it to burn supplies."

"No. I didn't. I had to or things would have been much more complicated." James took his scroll out and showed a picture of those bodies. "Atlas Military uniforms. Mara set us up to limit our options."

"She's trying to instigate conflict between us and Atlas in some way to keep us busy. A slip up can cost progress now... She wants Ironwood to mess it up on us." Logan said, figuring it out immediately.

"Yeah. I can't tell Ozpin because I don't trust him to never say anything to the General."

"Good. I learned the hard way that you can't just trust someone all because they're your superior. Sometimes you have to trust your own instincts." Logan told him. "Just be cautious."

"So you didn't trust me when we first met?" Lian asked him.

"... No comment."

"Hmph. Good."

"So... How did you two meet anyway?" James asked.

"Oh right, we never told you that one did we."
James was sitting in his dorm room as his parents explained the story of how they met.

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