Chapter 2 - The Son Of An Unknown Hero

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I'm back again, very quickly probably because I ended up making a number of chapters and putting them out one after another.

Right I'm not wasting time.


A young teen is seen carefully walking through a forest.

In his hands is a suppressed 9mm. It's literally the only weapon he has right now.

This is James Logan, the son of Gabriel Logan and Lian Xing, she kept her last name.

Right now, James is training. He treads through this forest as a sort of training grounds for him to learn how to do what his father does.

One day James, as a 5 year old, walked up to his dad and said "make me a super agent!"

After finding out Teresa, his unofficial aunt, told him about his dad's previous job without even watering it down for a child, Gabe said why not as it would be a good idea in case the agency came back and James was the only one to fight it.

He didn't want to have to put a responsibility like that on his son, but Gabe isn't getting any younger. He won't be around forever to deal with something like that.

James understands that if this Agency comes back, it's up to him to get rid of it. So here he is. A 15 year old teenage boy training to be the agent his dad once was, and by how the training was going, still is.

It was mainly Gabe training him, Lian would often do it, but mostly his dad.
Gabe didn't hold much back, although he does make sure he doesn't fucking kill his own kid, but aside from that nothing was held back.

James loves this, he loves it when he fails and gets it right when he goes back at it. He's a quick learner and that's been a huge help for him.

As he was focused on his current goal, he heard the familiar voice of his mom call out, though it was faint as they were a small distance from the house.

After that, James heard a bush move. He smirked.

He turned in the direction of where his mother's voice came from to make whoever was there think he was distracted.

He then immediately turned and pointed his gun at what was approaching while standing in the same spot.
His gun was pointed straight at his dad's face who was in the same position with a .45 pointed at him.

"If you moved as mom was calling I wouldn't have heard you." James said staring his dad down. "Of course you couldn't have predicted that, but you can't exactly predict anything in a real-life situation."

Gabe stared right back.

"You're right, but I had my gun on you before you turned, if I wasn't me you'd be dead. Remember, when you're out in the real world, you won't have the luxury of me being your training buddy and whoever is out there wants you dead." Gabe puts the gun down. "Other than small minor mistakes that I make myself, good work today."

James put his gun away and they both turned to walk back to the house.

"I was lucky too. I ran into an Ursa during the training session. Luckily I could kill it without much noise." James said as he walked alongside his father.

"That was you? Good... I've been in plenty of situations myself where a mission almost goes south only to save it at the last second. How did you kill it without much noise?" Gabe asked him. He knew how, but wanted to hear it from James.

"If you know where to shoot the smaller ones, they die like that." James said, snapping his fingers for emphasis.

They continued on until they eventually made it to the house.
There James' mother Lian was waiting.

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