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after eating breakfast gwen and finney went to get dressed while me and robin talked a bit on the couch.

" soo . whatcha wanna talk about arellano ? " i say to him waiting on a answer

" as much as I talk. I honestly don't know " he starts to laugh and i do too.

" its fine.... how's school going for you ? even though we have half our classes together . "

he laughed a bit before saying , " it's okay. only better when we're in class together. but besides that it's fine." he says turning to me.

" your literally like the toughest kid in school and still going soft for somebody .. man kids nowadays. "

he laughs at what I said " oh cmon ! your still bothering me about that ? " he said raising an eyebrow

" sure am . just to let you know everyday that your definitely going soft for ashley blake. " i say laughing

he chuckled at what I said , " well im glad ashley blake knows. "

" oh ? your flirting with me now arellano ? see your just making it worst for yourself honestly im surprised you haven't made a move ye-

he cut me off by kissing me slowly placing his hands on my waist as i put mines on the side of his face.

" ᴄʟɪᴄᴋ "

" god dammit finney !! couldn't you be any louder " gwen says in frustration

me and robin both look back at them in shock.

" did you guy's seriously just take a picture of that ? " i say jumping up

" shut up gwen ! and um. no. " finney says lying as I stare at the camera in his hand

out of nowhere robin just starts laughing.

" oh cmon arellano you could've atleast been on my side. " i say to him rolling my eyes.

" hush both of you. Now here are the rules. " finney says

" rules ? " me and robin both say at the same time

" yes rules. " gwen says grabbing a chart

time skip.

after gwen and finneys rules on random stuff , which basically was to not do too much around them ... since it's weird seeing your sister kissing or in a relationship. whatever , gwen thought it was cute but finney was a little mad. but we all know finney could never stay mad at anybody.

"  its already night ? " i say turning to look out the window.

" yup . " gwen says

" shut up " finney says

" finney i promise you. say one more thing to m-

" okay. calm down " i say to both of them , robin left earlier since we had school tomorrow.

" fine. " they both say .

going upstairs i put them to sleep .  " goodnight finney. " i smile at him before putting a kiss on his forehead. ever since mom left I expected our dad to be around more but he's usually out drinking or something else.

" goodnight ash ... i love you. " finney says

" awee finney. I love you too. " I say to him before finally walking out and going into gwens room .

" goodnight gwennn. " I say dragging the n

" goodnight ash ! " she says .

I smile at her and say , " I love you . " while putting a kiss on her forehead.

" love you too. "

I finally go in my room sitting down on my bed.

i didn't really smoke that much honestly.. well before. I would only do it with vance and vance only. but now since he's gone. I just do it to make most of the pain go away.

I decide to sit by my window and just think about random things. until a missing poster caught my eye...

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