a/n and a chapter

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decided to update & idk what to name this chapter so here you go.

it was another morning honestly. i was already tired of the fake smiles and definitely the fake laughs. plus our dad was back at home now so things would be 100% worst. i just hope for the best.

I finally get out of bed getting ready for school. nothing more nothing less. ( wear wtv u want ).

finally going downstairs i could tell the tension was thick. finney and our dad were sitting at the table while he was eating cereal. plopping on the couch i just decided to wait on gwen.

" could you slurp that a little louder ? i bet thousands of people could hear you." ( forgot the line )

finney stops at what he's doing and he turns to me.

" he's not bothering you." i say simply

" excuse me?-"

" he is not bothering you. i dont see the problem." I say again

he stares at me intensely for a couple seconds. but goes back to reading his newspaper. gwen who just walked in witnessing the theme walks over to the bread and pulls the lid down as it makes a loud sound.

he stares at her and i tense up a bit. i don't understand why he does this.

but she quickly apologizes and he goes back to reading. gwen mocks his actions as me and finney laugh.

we were walking down the sidewalk. it was now currently fall. still sunny outside though if you know what I mean.

finally finney speaks up, " everything okay? " he asks turning directly to me.

" everything is great." I say turning to him with a small smile before looking back straight

" okay. " he says not believing it but deciding to let it go.

we finally reach school as usual gwen goes her way and me and finney head to the lockers. which stands infront of them, 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑜.

" hey Robin ! " finney says smiling

" hey buddy. " he says smiling back at him.

honestly I didn't wanna ruin the mood so i just grabbed my stuff and waited for them to be done.

" what's up with you ? " robin says questioning my actions.

"not- "

" everything's fine. like always " finney says turning to me then robin.

i look at him bluntly and walk away. i didnt have time for the arguing today.

it was now lunch though as me , gwen , finney and robin walked to our table.

unexpectedly donna comes over.

" hey guys! " she says with a smiling sitting right next to me.

" hey don. " i say smiling back at her. it was a nickname i made for her. she likes it though so it's all good.

" you guys know about that grabber shit right..." she says stopping their conversations.

" yeah. " gwen says immediately as finney nudges her.

donna looks at them weird but shakes it off and  goes back to talking , " you believe in it ? "

" i do. " robin says as i turn to him on why he would say that.

" he doesn't." I say turning to donna

" none of us do. we never will." I also say.

robin turns to look at me with a look in his eyes , it wasn't mad. it wasnt confused. it looked sad.

I didn't know what he was put through in that basement. but i did not wanna know. that man gives me the vibes. and i have a feeling he took bruce. griffin. billy. and ᴠᴀɴᴄᴇ.

" okay!- " donna says trying to lighten the mood a bit.

" well.. if you guys aren't comfortable talking about it. it's okay. " she says offering us a smile.

I give her one back. " thanks don. we appreciate it."

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