Tʜᴇ ᴛʀᴜᴛʜ: ᴘᴀʀᴛ 5

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(a/n: for some reason i dont have that much motivation to finish this story the way I want it to. so im gonna skip some things but it'll make sense towards the end. )

ashley :

i don't know how long it's been. i escaped. and i was free. until he got in that damn van. i couldve been with robin. finney, and gwen. somebody. something. just not this basement.

I have a couple bruises. but there fading away slowly.

i got a call from both griffin and billy. the three , including Bruce. helped me escape that one night. if it wasn't for that van and that dog i would've been out of here already.


gwen keeps having dreams about Ashley. on how she survived and got out. also a dream of her speaking to all the missing kids. but there was only 3. which left vance , and it mainly confused me and finney but we never spoke on it.

we were all walking back from school. we decided to go today , being in the house isn't so fun. we made sure to stay together though.

we were almost close to home when we saw the van.

gwens whole smile dropped as she looked away. finney just stared at me , but then at the van. as a man got out , finney did the unexpected.

" you asshole! " finney says charging at the man

gwen stands there in shock as i run over to the scene having no choice but to help finney.

" get the fuck off of me ! " the man spoke. but once he backed away from me and finney something fell out of his pocket.

Asʜʟᴇʏ's ʙʀᴀᴄᴇʟᴇᴛ.

finneys whole angry act went away as he saw the bracelet drop. immediately picking it up.

gwen behind us, saw it too. but instead of the two siblings crying. they were angry.

the man got nervous. but not the scared nervous. the " I know you know i kidnapped your sister " nervous.

" where is she. " finney spoke.

" oh- uh! would you see the time?? " the man spoke. the reason why he didn't throw all three in the back of the van already is because it would be highly suspicious. and there's a bunch of people on the other sidewalk watching from their windows.

" ¡a nadie le importa un carajo la hora en que carajos está ashley!. " robin spoke. fists clenched.

( nobody gives a fuck about the time, where the fuck is Ashley! "

but in a blink of the eye. the man was already gone.

time skip. cs yeah.

it was now night. the three were in the house thinking on how to find ashley. they've seen that van plenty of times. heard about all the kidnappings. get weird looks at school. and always feel that guilt.

" ive got something. " finney says holding up a newspaper. they've been watching the news and searching through newspapers lately. that and gwens dreams are helping them get way closer.

robin and gwen immediately got up going to the boys side to see what he found.

" it talks about ashleys information. and everything we need to find her. including her bracelet. her birthmark. and more. the police wouldn't know those personal personal things. especially not her birthmark. and what damn wrist she wore the bracelet on." finney says as gwen listens. and robin raises his eyebrow signaling him to finish.

" somebody went to the police and told them information about ashley. that bracelet fell out of his pocket. we've seen the way he's looked at ashley. this isn't his first time kidnapping innocent children. ɪᴛ ʜᴀs ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ʜɪᴍ. " finney says.

robins never seen finney this serious. like never. but robin definitely understands why.

" your right. " robin says as the two look at him.

" the police know too much and there still not doing shit either. like they don't care. but still , he definitely went and told them something. the police could've took him in as a suspect as how much he knew but they didn't. " robin spoke.

" also. " gwen says ,

" 7741. that's the house number. "

robin looks at gwen and back at finney.

" we'll do it tomorrow. it's like 4am at night. " finney says speaking , already knowing robin was going to walk out of that door immediately.

" what if something happens to her! " he spoke.

" she's fine. i know it. " gwen says placing a hand on robins shoulder.

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