finally safe.

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i walked robin up the stairs as his brother held the door for us. stopping every 5 seconds because of robins knee. that van. the same van gwen described was in the driveway. meaning he was back. i didnt waste any time at all before rushing out the door with robin leaning on me. every thought went through my mind. but all i was focused on is ɢᴇᴛᴛɪɴɢ ʜᴏᴍᴇ.

gwen pov:

" it's fine finney calm down ! " i say to him.

" no! what if she's hurt ? what if robins gone and there both not coming back! " tears were streaming down his face..

" he took vance ! he took griffin ! he took billy ! and for the love of god he took bruce !! " he spoke with anger and hurt.

" he's doing it again. not to mess with ash to mess with all of us. you might not notice it now gwen! but it's one of his stupid ass tricks ! " finney says again.

that's the first time i ever heard finney curse.. or get mad like that.

" i know that finney.. it's just. with you mad and ash and robin not home yet. its a lot to handle. she will be fine. I don't know about the rest of them but. she will. be fine. " i say hugging him. just as i do that there's knocking on the door. " told you. "

back to ashs pov:

at this point we're running. running as fast as we can. robin looks at me with a confused look but doesn't mention it. that van was following . and it was real close behind. hitting a corner and hiding behind a bush. it drove past . catching my breath i turn to Robin.

" are you okay. "

" not really. " he says.

" im so sorry.. " i say to him.

" not your fault. we have to go. " he says

" your right. cmon. "

finney pov:

opening the door.. it was them. robin and ashley. i jump into ashleys arm. usually just giving her a small hug or pat on the back. I actually jumped into her arms.

" dammit finn. " robin says as gwen helps him up.

" sorry. " i say to him.

" it's all fine. do you guys have some towels or something? " he says returning gwens hug, she goes to get him some towels.

ash finally speaks . closing the door and returning my hug aswell.

" I told you finney. i was gonna be fine. " she smiles at me before ruffling my hair up.

" holy shit. " i breathe out as she laughs .

I turn to robin and hug him. not too tightly though.

" i missed you more buddy. " he says to me as we do our handshake.

" yeah um. no. " ash says laughing .

gwen finally comes back down with towels giving robin one.

" how the hell did you guys survive? " she says.

" long story. i have to tell you something robin. " ash says while patching his scars up. he was bleeding pretty bad.

he grunts and says " alright. go ahead. "

" that man. I've seen him before .. that day. you guys were on the couch. and i ran in out of breath.. you guys asked what happened. I lied. he asked me to pick up his bags and his hat. i handed him his hat and told him i wasn't picking up those bags. I had an uneasy feeling. " she says stopping

robin turns away.

" he stepped closer to me and that's when I ran. once i stepped foot towards that house i felt the same feeling. i knew it was him. " she says speaking again.

" why didn't you tell us .. " robin finally says.

" because. I didn't think too much of it. but now I do. " she says again.

he looks at her for a second .. " thank you. "

she looks up at him . " no problem arellano. "

" see i know you guys are like covered in rain or whatever . and robin has a bunch of cuts but we don't wanna know what's about to happen. " gwen says

" yeah I agree. " I say before laughing .

" whatever. " ash says before chuckling a bit.

" you can take a shower upstairs robin. just wear some of finneys clothes . " she says to him.

" okay. thanks again. all of you. "

" no problem. wanna call your uncle first to let him know your okay? "

" yeah. " robin says .

while robin , ash and gwen are downstairs i just walk upstairs. i had a feeling that this wasn't the end of whatever that man had planned. he doesn't take girls though.. right ?. he's seen ash plenty of times. oh well..

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