Tʜᴇ ᴛʀᴜᴛʜ : 1

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ashley pov:

i woke up in a dark room. with only one window , which was pretty up high. i was laying on a dirty mattress, on the side of me was a black phone. hanging.

i got up a bit slow , my head hurted. but i remembered where I was and what happened.

getting up and looking around. i found a toilet and some rugs. but that was about it honestly. something gave off vibes in here, but also it was comforting? like something or 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑒 was comforting me.

cut off by my thoughts that man came in the room.

" hi." he spoke trying to sound innocent

I just stared at him. with no reply.

" your gonna have to speak to me someday y'know? not like your getting out." he says looking straight at me

" fuck you. go away"

he stared at me intensely. like he wanted to hurt me or reply with something harsh back. but instead he walked towards a wall and sat down.

" you like soda?..." he asked. i didnt reply. again.

" I'll tell you what.. ill go get you a soda and then-"


" you hear a phone ringing ???" he asked getting up immediately. " im gonna go see who it is." he said before slamming the door.

robin pov :

it's been a day or two now. I've been at finns house. not wanting to go outside , my uncle calls everyday though to make sure I'm good.

gwen was still upset about ashleys disappearance. she just wouldn't give up.

" I swear !! I'll have a dream, I'll see her , and she'll be perfectly fine !!" gwen rants to finney while pacing around the room.

" I bet she is fine. gwen, there's not much we can too. the police told us they'll figure it out."

oh, and yeah. we went to the police after ashley didn't back from the store for snacks. we described her looks and everything they needed. they already know about Gwen's dreams. but there not doing much to help..

" they are not doing shit !!" gwen says frustrated yelling at finney and me.

" they're sitting on their asses while our sister is fucking missing finney! do you realize this, what if she never comes home! what if she's gone for good! what if she ends up like the rest!" gwen says stomping her foot in the process.

" gwen list-" finney speaks before cut off

" no dammit! you listen!, I promise you if ashley ends up gone because you guys are here all calm and not worried. she says mocking our voices. then i will hurt both of you!!" she yells once again

" he won't kill her." i spoke looking away from the two.

" what?" gwen says

" he won't kill her... he likes to.." i say.

finney looks at me with a face. like he felt bad , and you only see that side of finney once in a while.

" play games. " i spoke looking at them.

"games..?" gwen says.

" well. a game. im not telling you what it's called. but i just know. if ashley doesn't play his stupid ass game she will be just fine." i said to them.

tears were coming down my face. I've never cried infront of anybody. surprisingly not even finney, gwen. or ashley.

finn immediately came over to pat my back.

gwen looked sorry for what she said. before doing the same.

the next morning.

me , finney , and gwen. decided to go for a walk , all together though. making sure everybody could see eachother. we weren't talking about much though. just random things , and how we could help finding Ashley.

" i- i had a dream." gwen speaks looking ahead.

" tell us." finney said.

" well um." she speaks before going again ,

" ashley was in this room. how you described it robin, but people were staring at her. atleast 3 or 4. i cant remember... like hugging her. but i don't think she could feel it." she spoke again.

finney looked shocked. but kept his mouth closed.

" wow." i say , not wanting to say much.

" yeah." gwen replies before stopping.

" what? " i say as me and finney stop.

" ashley. " gwen runs her finger on the poster

 " gwen runs her finger on the poster

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( ignore my editing 💀.)

" it's alright gwen." i say hugging her as finney smiles in awe.

I take the poster , " but the police are definitely playing games." i say walking as they both follow.

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