Tʜᴇ Tʀᴜᴛʜ : 2

184 5 2

TW : abuse , mentions of abuse.

robin pov :

i woke up today. finney and gwen were already eating breakfast. i got ready for school though, we decided to go today.. but not really. since of what's happening.

" hey uh, you guys ready? " I ask them.

" yeah. you want something to eat?" finney asks

" nah not really." I say.

gwen throws me a granola bar. " if your hungry later" she says.

" thank you." I say to her before walking out as they follow behind.

" so um.." gwen says.

" i had another dream. " gwen states.

finney sighs. but he keeps walking waiting for her to say what it was about.

" this time .. ashley was like. bruised , super bad. i don't know why.. or-or how! but she was bruised hella bad. " gwen says.

" i hope she's okay. " i say

" we all do. " gwen states.

ashley pov :

i was pacing around the room. upset that I let him get me. why the hell was he going for me? and why is he such a weirdo. its sad honestly. but once again my thoughts were cut off by me sitting down.

I decided to go to sleep as my eyes got heavy and i fell asleep.

I woke up. stretching and yawning turning to my left slowly. the phone was moving.. making a noise kind of. it was creeping me out.

" stop it. " i say glancing at the phone.

" stop what? " somebody asks as I jump. to my " surprise " it was the man again.

" what the hell is up with you and jumpscaring !! " i say to him clearly frustrated.

" don't yell at me. i was just .." he says before stopping as if he was thinking

" just?! exactly. you don't know " i say to him again but this time he snaps.

" listen! stop fucking yelling at me!" he says. but his voice got deeper.

I didn't say anything , instead I just scooted back. my back on the wall. as he got closer.

" no need to be scared.." he says before continuing. " your just really pissing me off. "

he sent a punch right to my face. about to send another one .. but obviously. i attempted to fight back.

grabbing his fist and hitting my head onto his he groaned in pain.

i started punching him in the face , but not too long before he send another punch. a cold one. and everything went black.


I woke up again , doing the same thing I did earlier. checking my left and right. looking up he was standing there. like he was waiting.

" didnt wanna have to mess your pretty face up." he says staring at me.

" disgusting. " i say to him.

" i-.. i just wanted to watch you." he says like it's not weird to watch someone sleep. before slamming the door and walking out.

𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝ℎ𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑔..

curious. i picked it up , putting it to my ear.

" hello...? " i say.

" 𝐴𝑆𝐻𝐿𝐸𝑌..." a raspy voice says.

in shock , i hung up. before scattering over to a wall. with my back pressed against it.

i need to get out of here.

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