Tʜᴇ Tʀᴜᴛʜ : Pᴀʀᴛ 4

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robin pov: it's been about 2 weeks and 3 days now. I've been keeping track of how long ashleys been missing. when finn and gwen are asleep i usually go out to look for her. but there's no luck.

ashley pov :
i was sitting next to the phone , still curious. too shocked to move. when it rang again.

i jumped up. but wasted no time before grabbing the phone and putting it to my ear.

" hello ?? " i say. but i only hear static.

" it doesn't work. "

i turned around, to be faced with him. once again.

i honestly didn't care, so i just groaned in response. but the phone still in my hand.

" never has. since i was a kid... now put it back. "

though he said the last part really serious.

I put it back. sitting down next to it again.

he sighed before asking , " what's your name. "

i just looked at him. why the hell does he wanna know my name.

I hesitated for a second.

" jennifer. ".

he stared at me, groaned and threw something on the ground.

i picked it up and read it.

it was a newspaper. with me in it. the date i was taken , all my features , and everything you could use to find me.

" I was starting to like you. ASHLEY. " he says before slamming the door.

i threw the newspaper. not really caring.

had to make the next chapter important.

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