chapter 2

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Lloyd pov
*Basically the entire fsm scene till lloyd making a decision also minor change lloyd doesn't get the choice basically there is no way to go back.*

I don't understand what's going on i am in a grassland of sort with floating stones? I don't know . I am in front of the first spinjitzu master i cant believe it !! But where are the others , where is Kai mom master Wu anyone .

The first spinjitzu master then tells me to come on his dragon i gladly agree and hop on the beautiful golden dragon.

The dragon takes of and i ask about where my friends were. He tells me that they are in ninjago. I am more confused now , what is going on i ask.

He replies saying that ,"this is going to hard to swallow but you.....   You died."

I didn't know what to say i was shocked . I ..... I..i d....i..ed.... Died i said .  The first spinjitzu master turned to me and said you fought well and will go down in history as one of ninjago's greatest warriors.

Kai pov

It was almost noon i was walking with a jar filled with golden petals. Yes we were going to in honour of him put these petals in a large pot . I was walking until i spotted a picture

 I was walking until i spotted a picture

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It was of me and lloyd . When I promised to look after him . I miss him ..

In all this I didn't realise that i was crying when i suddenly felt a hand in my shoulder . I turned to see misako .
She sighed and told me that the biggest regret of her life was not being with lloyd before the tornado of creation.

I sighed and with tears rolling down my eyes i told her that lloyd was a little brother to me , he was more than just a friend he was family .

I promised i would look after him before he possessed but then.. i was cut off by misako telling me that because of my  determination to get lloyd back he was able to regain control and that because of it we got the Sword of sanctuary .

Wu came in and told us that he is in a better place now . Me and misako both cried as we split and made our way to the training ground for the funeral.

Jay pov

We all reached outside and Kai told me that he hoped people would come .
Kai is really sad about Lloyd's death .i mean we all are he was family. I went outside and to me and Kai's suprise everyone came from shintaro , the serpentine and even the anacondrai generals. And to my more suprise i saw Morro he too was standing there he was crying but not water he was crying a white translucent liquid. I guess that's how ghosts cry.

No pov

The funeral started and wu started with a speech -

You all know why we are gathered here . Today should be a great because the oni are dead and gone but it is not because no matter what happens that should be celebrated losing someone dear is something which you don't want ....... *I am too lazy to type the rest of the speech so fast forward *

With that the speech was over

And hour had passed and Kai was sitting on the couch with the same picture of him and Lloyd in his hands .

Kai pov

I couldn't stop sheding tears.  I mean why why did he have to die it should have been me i said . But then a hand touched my shoulder i thought it was Misako or Jay but the figure was golden and glowing . The figure removed their hand and said ,"Kai i accepted my death it's ok...".

I instantly recognised that voice and exclaimed Lloyd !!!! Alerting the others . The others rushed and we all were greeted with Lloyd glowing golden with a gi marked with dragons.

I hugged him and couldn't help but ask how. He took a deep breath and told me that the departed realm works differently from the cursed realm. Even though the cursed realm is destroyed people who would have gone there are not allowed for realm crossing while for the rest it is allowed.

Just then Misako and Sensai entered. Sensai was shocked and Misako ran to hug Lloyd . Lloyd comforted her by saying that it was ok . Sensai then came in and couldn't help but wonder, he was for the first time going overboard on questions like Jay . Erm no offense to Jay ofcourse ...


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