Chapter 15

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Jay : Woah you two look like Kai's gi seriously what happened

Lloyd : um wh-ha no-nothing *cheesy smile*

Harumi : Ya um ya nothing *best fake smile *

Kai : ookay... So let's go

Cole : ok

Lloyd : Kai , Cole we are leaving now . No packing cake n hairgel.

Cole n Kai: Aww man dang it

--time skip by Cole eating all my food--

Kai : Gahhh we've been walking since forever

Jay : I know Kai !!!

Lloyd : Uh guys it's only been five minutes

Jay : WHAT!!!!

Nya : ya seriously Jay we're ninja

Lloyd : actually thsts a genius idea

Everyone: What

Lloyd : We're ninja aren't we so ...

Harumi: Oh ya we can use the trees

(Don't tell me harumi ain't a ninja k . She trained a bit with Lloyd and a bit when she was the quiet one .)

They swing across the trees and reach stranglers path. They split up

Lloyd harumi and Kai
Jay Cole and nya
(Zane and pixal are in the bounty)

Harumi: Hey Lloyd memories

Lloyd: Terrifying and amazing one's

Harumi : Ya

Kai:huh i seriously feel like the third wheel 

Lloyd bursts out laughing and asked Kai to promise to keep it with him whatever he was about to say.

Kai : ookay

Lloyd : Well uh you

--time skip by me just being me --

Kai : Wait what *smirks*

Harumi : ye

Kai : well either that or give him candy it shuts him up

Lloyd : hey that does not work seriously Kai-

Lloyd is cut of by Kai giving him a lolipop

Lloyd : Oo candy !!!gimme gimme

Harumi: How is he team leader

Kai : Believe me i still dont get it

Lloyd : harumi !!!! Seriously

Harumi: Seriously what greenbean

Kai : Heyy that's what I call him

Harumi: Well i can call him that too

They both have a funny ?? Argument .

Lloyd : you know what do whatever I'm going

Lloyd walks ahead and goes to meet the others .

Lloyd : Hey guys

Cole: Hey Lloyd

Nya : Wait where is my stupid brother

Jay : wait what since when do you care about Kai

Nya : mom and dad are alive if anything happens to kai i'm done for . Else why do you think i wouldn't leave him in stranglers path .

Kai : Nya!!!! Jay !!! You bad influencer

Jay : Heyyy i didn't do anything

Nya : Kai leave him

Kai : Whatev sis

Lloyd : can we move ???

Cole : Yea please of your argument is done

They don't hear Cole and Lloyd (except nya)

Cole : Should we just move ahead

Lloyd : yup

Nya : Totally

They go ahead and find the temple of the pendant . It was hidden within the trees like a Minecraft jungle temple .

Like in Minecraft there were traps and chests .

The yang pendant was in the secret chest behind the levers .

After a lot of trial and error. They found the yang pendant .

Cole : Finnally
Lloyd : Yup let's go back to the Bounty
Nya : i cant wait for their reaction tho

They go back to the bounty and relax while playing video games .

After half n hour all the others burst in to see Cole ,Lloyd and nya enjoying

Kai : Guys guys ... We went to the temple and

Jay : And there was no pendant

The three burst into laughter and everyone was confused

Nya got up and showed them the amulet .

Nya : Ya it want there because we went earlier .

Harumi : Lloyd !!

Lloyd : yes Harumi

Harumi : Oh c'mon

Lloyd laughs

After this Jay elaboratly explains that they had to fight clouse's generals and how hard it was .

According to him they completely destroyed em .

They take the pendant and keep in the safest part of the bounty .  They all head to the control room to discuss further .

In dark room clouse conjured magic to punish the general for failing him twice. Lloyd and the others were on the bounty figuring out on how to stop clouse .

Lloyd pov

I felt another Hedache and then there was that vision thing again . I could see not the clearest image of what was happening. I could hear mumbles of what clouse was saying . Everything was purplish . The overlord was looking impatient and angry so did clouse .

After the general being punished i overheard their plan to conquer Ninjago and the other realms .

No pov

Lloyd started the vision and his eyes started flowing purple . This face was straight and emotionless . He was there physically not mentally .

Kai pov

Lloyd was silent for too long infact . I turned to see him in that state . I was startled and this alerted everyone. We tried to wake him up ... Didn't work . Jay's socks!!! Didn't work .

After about five minutes his eyes turned green like as if life came back to him . He started gasping and between gasps he only said 'overlord ... Clouse ... Plan ..... Conquer .... Realms ... All'

Kai : woah woah calm down

He calmed down a bit after drinking some water and then spoke .

Lloyd : The overlord and clouse are planning to conquer Ninjago  and all the other realms too .

Cole: wait what !!!

Lloyd  : yea

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