Chapter8 part 1

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Lloyd pov

Harumi where are you taking me i asked her. Harumi just responded with a just trust me .

Great first I don't get sleep . Second i am going to meet some random people who I don't know could be dangerous for goodness sake .

We've been walking forever rumi i whine . Which is odd for me ... Really ... Iike really

Harumi pov

Really i exclaim. I mean i have never really seen Lloyd whine like this . Hehe it's so cute . 

Lloyd pov

I notice harumi is a blushing mess . Honestly it's kinda funny to look at that . She looks ahead and takes a deep breath . I wonder why ... Who are  we meeting .

Harumi pov

I am really afraid . I am meeting my biological parents . I don't know if they will forgive me or if they count me as their daughter anymore . I take a deep breath and tell Lloyd that we've reached .

My parents live in a cosy home kinda like Lloyd's .  I walk in and try to ring the doorbell but can't . Just then i feel a hand on my shoulder and then i turn my head to see a famier blonde .. Lloyd .

By now i think he figured who we're meeting .he held my hand and  I  mustered up the   courage to ring the doorbell. My mother opened and she was shocked to see me .  Lloyd let go but i kinda held on .. it helped with the anxiety.

My mom told me to come in . She called put to my father who came out from the living room and hugged me . After that my dad questioned and asked who Lloyd was ..

Lloyd kinda introduced himself and everything went along pretty cool . Lloyd said he needed to check in with the rest of the ninja and told he would be back in about half n hour .

No pov

H'mom : Harumi dear i see that Lloyd is good . But can you clarify this one more time .. he is the son of lord garmadon .. yet he is ....

Rumi : Well really lord garmadon was forced evil by the great devourer's venom

H'dad : You mean the same thing... That .... *Looks at floor*

Rumi : Yes dad it is

H'dad : I still can't rap my head around lord garmadon's son being this good ... Not that i hate him but it's suprising

Rumi pov

Well yea it is wierd i will admit . Then before i continue with the conversation i hear a very familiar voice , the voice says 'you do realise you can call garmadon plus he's was not all evil ' i then recognise the voice , it was Lloyd's .

Lloyd was sighing and reaching out for something in his pocket while telling last part . He removes a photo .. i knew that photo it .. was the same photo which nya had shown me .. on the bounty .

Of course my parents asked Lloyd about who that was , while not trying to offend him .

No one pov

H'mom : I don't mean to offend you but who is this and how does he look like you

Lloyd : *sigh* Believe it or not that's my dad

H'Dad : You mean garmadon , but last i remeber he was a ...a ...

Lloyd : A murdering maniac with 4 arms . Thats what everyone told him as . During the first battle with the overlord .. he was purified of the venom and he was all ok until..*tears start flowing down his cheeks * until he sacrificed himself to unbanish the anacondrai generals to stop Chen . The last i saw him was in the cursed realm , when i was possessed... He died with the cursed realm ....

H'mom : *puts hand over shoulder* oh he was a very good person indeed .

H'dad : but have you tried looking for him in this realm

Lloyd : Not really i was kinda busy

Harumi : Well then we're gonna do that first

Lloyd : But the ... Case and ..

Harumi : *cuts Lloyd off* Your dad is as wise as your Sensai / uncle Wu ok?. So we're going

Lloyd : Fine ok

H'mom : Glad to see you two getting along

H'Dad : Ya who knows we may get a new addition to the ...

Harumi : *cuts her dad off* ok dad that's enough embassing . Byee

They wish goodbye and Lloyd and harumi go to meet garmadon.

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