chapter 3

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Zane pov

I couldn't process anything that was going on . Unless my sensors were wrong Lloyd was here but golden glowing.

Lloyd is it really you i said and he said with a soft smile yes Zane it is. Misako just let go of Lloyd and he became a little translucent .

Kai's hand just fell down on the table with a bang . If my processor is correct then Lloyd had solidified himself for us all to touch.

Kai pov
I was holding Lloyd's hand because i couldn't believe he was here. Then my hand fell and his became translucent . Oww i exclaimed in pain and he snickered . Yup this was definitely the same Lloyd.

I gave a small laugh saying not funny and he just responded saying whatever hothead . Hothead he and everyone knows i hate that nickname . The others came near and then Jay well did what he does and started bombard Lloyd with question upon question.

No one pov

Lloyd basically explained that people who would have gone to the cursed realm are under strict rules . They can't leave the realm and so on.

Jay then asked that why can't he other ghosts . Lloyd answered by saying ghosts need to make themselves visible and saying that Morro appeared saying like this . To which we all were startled , amazed and amused . Morro then left .

Zane pov

After about ten minutes Lloyd said that he needed to go back.
The other objected and asked why. He just said that he promises to visit soon and that he can be for longer in day of the departed.

Kai then turned to me and asked that how many days were left for day of the departed. To which I replied '"exactly 10 days 2min and 5.5 seconds".

Kai then told Lloyd to stay a little longer to which Lloyd replied telling to just look at the brightest star .

Kai pov
Saying that Lloyd bid goodbye  and then walked towards the training yard . Ofcourse me and the others followed and what we saw amazed us .

He was glowing more golden and then the ground near him lit up particles of gold started to form a tornado of sort around him and then the converged and disappeared.

I was standing in awe at what i just witnessed. That night of all stars one star was glowing extra bright. I smirked knowing this was what Lloyd meant.

Sensai Wu pov

I wanted to know more so i left a note and left for Domu. In Domu i found a scroll explaining the law of the departed realm and cursed realm.

Accidentally another scroll fell i lifted it and it was a prophecy. The prophecy  of the death of the green ninja . I was confused and brought it back to the monastery and showed it to everyone .

It read ..

One day the greatest warrior to ever live will have to give his light to all the realms to stop darkness . The warrior in ghost form will glow gold as to represent  who he truly is .the green ninja will die twice.

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