chapter 13

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Lloyd suddenly Burt's into the room by kicking down the door.

Lloyd : Guysss hate to brake it to you but we have a big problem

Harumi : What


Kai : tha what pendant

Lloyd : The yin pendant

Kai : uhh what's that

Lloyd: when my grandfather created Ninjago a byproduct was formed . The yin yang necklace . The overlord used it to make himself and his stone army powerful.

He was unstoppable until the fsm(please read as full form) split it .

Harumi : thanks lloyd and uh yea you seriously spent too much time in the library

Lloyd : hehe true

Cole : Seriously soo if the yin part is found what about the yang part

Everyone turns to lloyd . Lloyd is deep in thought and then he snaps out

Lloyd : I got it , the Ying pendant can be found in the cloud kingdom . So uh i guess pack your sweaters

Zane : wai-wait you remember

Lloyd : being possessed is like being yourself except you have no control of yourself

Jay : Woah ... Wait uh side question do you remember nadakhan

Lloyd : A little , i remember there being sky pirates and a uh wedding and then a serpent named clancee .

Nya : Cool

Kai : uh guys who is nadakhan

Jay nya and Lloyd : nvm Kai

Kai : k


Somewhere far away in the city

???: master the golden one has been found

??: Then we must be faster . Quick clouse .. i need you and chen to capture the green ninja and golden one or else I'll send you back to the departed realm.

Clouse : Is there anything else master

??: Yes ,i want the yin yang necklace

Clouse :It shall be done master

??: Good then and tell Chen to prepare dinner quickly i am starving

Clouse : Yes master


To the ninja

Misako pov

Wow I'm so happy my son is alive. It's the truly most best thing . Harumi is the golden one ... Ya atleast she can redeem herself .

Everything is perfect tho but i can't help but notice that Harumi and Lloyd seem very close .

I asked Wu but he just shrugged saying that he wasnt there for the most bit .

I'll just ask Kai ... Kai is Lloyd's best friend and brother .

Misako : Hey Kai

Kai : Oh hello Misako

Misako : i mean i have no problem but ..... Why are Lloyd and harumi so close

Kai : Oh you don't know

Misako : So doesn't Wu

Kai : they are the same situation as nya and Jay

Misako : You mean yin and yang

Kai : Yea

Misako pov ..

Wait what .. i mean aww . They are cute .

I'm happy he is happy . Oh but i am kinda sad that i missed the whole scene .

No pov

When Misako and Kai were talking harumi and Lloyd were also walking . Lloyd's hand was over harumi's shoulder in a sort of side hug . Harumi also did the same thing .

Misako looked at the two smiling and laughing people . Misako went up to them and hugged them .

Lloyd : Mom tight

Misako :oh sorry

She stops hugging them

Misako : you two honestly are very cute

When she said this every of the ninja from everywhere in the monastery said ,"told ya" . After everyone broke into laughter .


Somewhere far away

??: Clouse !! Where is Yin pendant

Clouse : My lord the yin pendant is being moved today to the museum

??: i want it now!!

Clouse : My lord don't mind me asking but why do you need the necklace

??: i need it to free myself

Chen walks in with noddles

Chen : My lord here is the noodles

??: Good chen be loyal to me and you will get your reward

Chen : Yes my lord

To the ninja

Kai : Lloyd ! Lloyd !!

Lloyd from another room: What !!! Is it Kai

Kai : Well Lloyd uh the yin pendant is being taken to the museum.

Lloyd ran downstairs

Lloyd : Kai what !!!! Wait !!!

Kai : yea

Lloyd : Zane keep full track on the truck else we risk it being stolen

Zane : Yes Lloyd i will send my falcon.

The Falcon was sent and true to  Lloyd's suspicion someone was trying to steal it .



Sorry guys for a little short chapter

I will update more sooner .
I was completing another book ... Dark side .

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