chapter 19

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This is the last chapter :D

I'm gonna miss writing this book 😥

Memories ....


They all go down to fight and start batteling the overlord's countless dark soldiers .

Kai : We-we can't do this anymore

Jay : They just keep coming

Lloyd : We gotta fight on

Zane : so powerful indeed you are Kai .

Kai : Did h-he just

Cole : he just did not

Jay : Be sarcastic

Nya : I'm gonna faint

Harumi : me too

The fight goeson until the ninja have to fall back .the city gets into control of the overlord. The overlord releases clouse and finds other villains to work for him. I.e pythor n aspheera.

The city is engulfed in darkness and the bounty has been destroyed. The ninja are hiding and devising a plan until they are found .

In desperation they decided to save lloyd and harumi as they are the ky people who can stop the overlord

Kai : Avenge us

They are taken and now they are more determined than ever to stop the overlord .


In the dungeon

Nya : Hey guys do you think lloyd will say yes btw

Kai : Say yes to what sis

Jay : Ya nya yes to what

Nya : Oh don't tell harumi i told you , she will kill me

Jay : Ok ok but what is it

Nya : eeee she is gonna propose

Cole : Awww they are sooo cute together

Zane : well ofcourse he will say yes .

A guard suddenly appears and the gate is opened .


Lloyd : We gotta do something

Harumi: i-i know but i don't have an element

Lloyd : Your more precious and powerful than an element harumi .

He pulls her into a hug and then they devise a plan to stop the overlord .

They sneak outside and see the civilians ( dark matter exposed ).

Lloyd pov

They all were great with purple eyes . Shit they seen me .

Me and rumi make a run for it and stop in an alleyway . We see that the overlord just like every other villian chose borg tower to his base .

We decided to gear up and then fight .

Harumi : Lloyd we have no idea how are we gonna do this

Lloyd : We'll figure it out don't worry

I say this and pull her into a comforting hug . I know i do it a lot but she has been feeling anxious since the past few days idk why .

No pov

They scale borg tower and reach the top . The overlord is as powerfull as ever .

Ovd: You cannot defeat me Muhaha

Lloyd: Yes we can what makes you think otherwise

Ovd :Them

The overlord points to the ninja who's eyes are all red and they start to fight .

Evilkai: Oh look it's the green ninja *mocking tone for all please*

Ejay: Yes and look it's the golden one oh my god I'm so scared

Ecole : eat dust you inbags *uses power*

Ezane: Have an icecream to sweeten you mouth *uses power*

Nya : *uses power* brr freezing am I right .

Lloyd : I'm sorry guys

Lloyd nods to harumi and they both kick the guys away . Lloyd uses his power to knock them unconscious.

They try to fight the overlord but he is simply too strong .

Harumi : i thought we need to defeat him not get defeated by him !!!

Lloyd gets a lightbulb and says," the prophecy ..... When the two combine and become one ... But how !!!"

The word one echoes throughout her mind and she realises that now was the perfect time .

Harumi : lloyd i need to ask you something now !!

Lloyd : Now !?!

Harumi : Yes , i know it's a bad time to ask but ..

Lloyd : it's ok rumi you can ask

Harumi takes a deep breath and goes down on one knee," lloyd you are smart , kind and everything someone can ask for .... You have the biggest heart ever and so i ask you lloyd Montgomery garmadon will you marry me .

Lloyd gasps and immediately


They embraced and then as they parted they noticed golden particals swirling around them . The particals flew higher and higher and created a tornado .

They both flew up into the air and the overlord cried out nooooo !!! As he realised his end was here .

The tornado grew higher and in a giant blast of gold and light the overlord was forever gone and everyone was ok .

The ninja got up and the first thing they seen after they were ok was .

Harumi putting a ring on Lloyd's finger ( idk how this works so ig roll)

Everyone: Awwww

SGarmadon: ooo whens the wedding

Lloyd : Dad !!!

They both hug and part .

Misako : tho what your father said is a good question

Kai :yea

Lloyd and harumi look at each other

Lloyd : in two weeks

They give each other a side hug and then everyone got their happy ending


2 weeks later :

( Idk how to write this so just imagine just imagine just imagine )

The whole town is invited and everyone rejoices .


They go back to the monastery happily and everyone gets their happiest ending


Endings are just new beginnings

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