Chapter 10

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Lloyd pov

I opened my eyes to see and hear a very familiar face .... Kai Smith .

Lloyd : Ahh geez Kai when did you get here

Kai : Well uh you see we accidentally came here

Cole : basically Kai here was scared of the dark and we both went ahead until we saw a green fire . We walked and pretty much were kinda happy we found someone else .

Kai : BUT me gettin scared was so worth it . I got something to blackmail you n harumi

Lloyd : i swear Kai when this is over i will sternly eliminate you

Harumi : *sigh* your spending too much time watching Netflix

Lloyd : Netflix is my life

Harumi : uh Lloyd what about me

Lloyd : *rolls eye* u and Netflix .... Better ?

Harumi :*playfully* for now

Cole : and that's a wrap... Wait until the others see *puts camera down*

Jay : Till we see what

Kai : Oh you missed a lot Jay

Zane : Well since we all are here let's not split up

Nya : Yea let's go

*Look i get it it's gettin random trust me it's worth it now its da serious part*

Kai : Hey guys I'm either going crazy or there a blue light coming from that passage

Lloyd : See usually I'd say ur going crazy but this time there actually is a light

Kai : Lloyd wait what


Cole : Ok ok

They walk towards the light and they a patheay leading to the pearl .

Jay : How is there no monster or trap yet

Just then a monster with 4hands appeared . It had two red biiiig eyes and was giannnnnnt .

Nya : You had to Jinx it Jay!!

Jay : heh sorry nya

Zane  : Well we can't waste time so we should split up

Lloyd : k so me , harumi , Jay and Pixal will go and get the pearl. The rest FIGHT

They go as per plan

Team 1 - Fight

Team 2- pearl

Team 1

Lloyd : Ok so let's see the pearl is over there soooo

Harumi : Soo *hopeful eyes*

Lloyd : Ok see that monster there can't be the only trap right ?

Pixal : Hmm true

Jay : So whatcha thinking

Lloyd : So we need to check for booby traps .

Lloyd says this and as if on que Jay realises something and removes a bag of marbles .

Jay : Ohhhh so that's why you told me to bring marbles

Lloyd : yuP

Harumi : So now let's go ..

They throw the marblw on suspicious tiles and if the tile fell is was a trap of not then it was safe . This went on multiple times until they were 1step closer to finding the pearl. But that's when


Harumi : Now what

Lloyd : Well we gotta take the risk now

Pixal : Hmm survival chances of survival are higher on the middle

Lloyd : well that's what we're gonna take

Jay : Whos gonna walk first

Pixal : i will i am a nindroid i can always be rebuilt

Pixal walks and her assumption was correct . The others follow and they get the pearl .

Lloyd while holding pearl: soo now what

Jay : idk

Pixal : i communicated Zane and he said that you need to say the following incantation

Harumi and Lloyd : Oku mei Dara sui more grante siosa lifelia mei . (This is gibberish k)

Suddenly the pearl glows brighter and brighter until the whole room is engulfed in a bright golden light . When the light dies down Lloyd and harumi are not ghosts and are proper people .

Jay : Ur Back to normal!!!!!!!!

Lloyd : *moving hands* is this real rumi pinch me please

Harumi : *gives peck on the cheek * this works ?

Lloyd : Harumiiii

Harumi : ya that's my name

The temple starts to shake and they start running .

Lloyd :Kai guys the temple is crashing in

Kai : Well let's go

They go outside and see Wu with the bounty .

Wu : Hurry ninja we must leave

The ninja jump on the bounty but then harumi loses balance and falls .

Harumi pov

Ahh is scream and then wait i dont feel the ground . I instead fell a warm touch on my hand . I open my eyes to see 2 familiar green eyeballs ....Lloyd

Lloyd : Gotcha

Harumi : Thanks

Nya  : you two are soooo cute together

Harumi : uhh this is gettin wierd

Harumi leaves

Kai : oooo so when u gonna ask her huh

Lloyd : Kai!!!

Kai : ya that's my name

Lloyd : What is with everyone and that line

Nya : Idk

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