chapter 12

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Lloyd : *on one knee* harumi ur the single most amazing person ever . We had a rough start but it turned out for the better so i ask you harumi jade will you be my Yang


They hug in and the others come out from hiding

Nya : Aww you two look soo cute together.

Lloyd : *blushing * nya !!!

Kai : What she is tellin the truth

Lloyd : Kai SMITH !!!

Kai : Whaat that's mah name

Lloyd : *pulls out sword*

Kai : ok nevermind

Lloyd :*puts sword back in* Ok then

Sensai : Dinner time students

They all go to eat .

In the shadow

??? : enjoy while it lasts ninja . For tomorrow shall be the day ninjago will fall

Back to the ninja

Kai : seriously you two are cuteee

Lloyd : *blushing * Kai!!!

There is a knock

Jay : I'm opening

Misako is at the door .

Misako : Hello everyone and Lloyd !!!! Your ok

Misako hugs Lloyd and then noticeses harumi .

Misako : ah well i think you aldready figured out that harumi is the golden one .. i came to tell that only .

Harumi exhaled in relief

Harumi : Ok thank you Ms.Garmadon

Misako : Call me Misako dear it's ok

Harumi : Ok thank you Misako

Wu : Misako yes uh let me help in putting the bags .

Misako : Thank you Wu

Misako and Wu go

Harumi looked tense and Lloyd noticed. Lloyd put a comforting hand on her shoulder and gave her a side hug .

Lloyd :*wispers to harumi * it's ok we all forgave you

Harumi stopped panicking and smiled . They all continued eating . Lloyd and harumi sorts by coincidence finished eating at the same time . They both went to wash their plates .

Cole : Who's washing today

Zane : Hmm according to my new updates calander it is Lloyd and harumi's turn

Kai gave a smirk and Cole gave a smug face at Lloyd . Lloyd gave them 'dont you dare ' glare .

The tohers went to sleep and Lloyd and harumi got to work .

It was silent for a few minutes until harumi broke it

Harumi : so umm Lloyd can I talk to you about something

Lloyd : Ya sure rumi anything

Harumi : Everyone here forgave me but what about lord garmadon , garmadon. What will he do .

Lloyd : As long as i exist he won't be able to hurt you

Harumi :Thanks Lloyd

Lloyd : ☺️😊

They continued talking about random things until they were done

Lloyd : haha finnally we're done

Harumi : yup *shivering* brrr

Lloyd : *concerned* Harumi are you ok.?

Harumi : Yea just a bit cold .

Lloyd gave her a side hug

Lloyd : It's ok you can sleep in my room it's warmer .

Harumi : Thanks Lloyd

They go towards Lloyd's room but unbeknownst to them 4 people were watching them from the shadow

??1: Well haha get the camera ready

??2: Yes ofcourse

Just then the light turned on . The four turn to see Zane

Zane : Guys what is wrong with you we have training tommrow and stop spying .

Kai : Gahh fine *puts camera down*

Jay : Oh c'mon Zane pleasssseeee

Zane : fine

Cole : thanks Zane

Jay : *proud pose *

Zane : Don't get too crazy

Zane goes to bed and the others give a evil smirk

In lloyd room

Lloyd's bed was big enough for the two of them .

Harumi was still Cold so Lloyd hugged her and slept .

Lloyd : Goodnight rumi *kisses forehead*

Harumi : Goodnight greenie

From the shadows

Kai : Aww

Jay : They areee soooo cute

Nya : Get the camera

Cole : Tommrow is gonna be fun

Kai :Heck yea

--next morning during breakfast --

Harumi wasnt up yet

Lloyd : Hey guys where's rumi

Kai : i dunno probably in ur room still sleeping

Lloyd :*blushed crimson* Kai were you spying again

Zane : Actually Kai , Jay , Cole and nya were spying and recorded everything

Lloyd : who was recording

Zane : Cole

Lloyd : COLE BROOKSTONE no more cake for a week

Cole : noooooooo this. Is not happening ahhhhhh

Kai : Calm down it's just cake

Cole :Just cake Just cake JUST CAKE NO ITS MY LIFE

Lloyd :, You continue ima wake ms.sleepyhead up

Lloyd walks to the tv

Zane : How will that help

Lloyd : Watch


Then suddenly a thud is heard and then footsteps .

Harumi : What when what !! The chamber of secrets bas been opened

Lloyd : This is how to wake a sleepyhead .

Harumi : Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon i swear

Lloyd : You swear what Harumi Jade

Harumi : *wispers* harumi jade not for long tho

At this Lloyd blushed

Lloyd : your uh food is getting cold

Harumi : oo what's it

Lloyd : eat n guess

Harumi : Awh c'mon

Harumi finishes her breakfast

Harumi : Mmm pancakes are the best

Cole : Glad you liked them

Harumi : Wait Cole have you been taking cooking classes

Cole : yea

Harumi :cool

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