chapter 16

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Heyy guys uh small A/N basically this book is gonna be around 23 chapters .

Happy reading !!

After the vision They all change their plan in accordance. After the meeting while everyone is going , Kai runs up to lloyd

Kai : Hey.... Um uh... lloyd

Lloyd : ya*pause* Kai ?

Kai : umm I wanted to ask you something


Lloyd : Fire away

Kai : I wanted to know about these sort of visions your having

Lloyd : Um well it starts with a headache then the world does black . Then it's like I'm there .i can here barely mumbles and everything is like a memory and purplish .

Kai : uh-huh is there anything common ?

Lloyd : Both times clouse was using dark magic

Kai : hmm also how is llorumi doing

Lloyd : Llorumi ??

Kai : yea lloyd + harumi = llorumi

Lloyd : *Snickers* yea llorumi is doing great

They talk for sometime and then proceed to sleep. before leaving Kai tells lloyd that he and the others kept a suprise for him.On the way lloyd bumps into harumi .

Lloyd : Hey Rumi

Harumi : Hey greenie so wasup

Lloyd : Nothin was just talkin to Kai , u ?

Harumi : meh i was talkin with nya .. did kai mention on some suprise

Lloyd : Ya he did , did nya mention it too ?

Harumi : Yea anyways goodnight

Lloyd : Goodnight

They both go to their rooms . Harumi sees that her room( she shares with nya) is missing her stuff .

Harumi : Nya !!! Where are my things !!

Then lloyd bursts in

Lloyd : Nya !! why is there so many thing in my room .

Nya : Well that's the suprise

Llorumi : huh

Nya : Well since you guys are sooo close then well both of can share a room . Plus now jay is shifting in here .

Harumi : Cool

Lloyd : That will take some getting used to tho

Harumi : Yea

---- the next morning ----

They go down for breakfast and see everyone look a little down . Harumi doesn't notice at first .

When they reach the dining table , they pull harumi aside and tell her everything. Lloyd Just stands there confused as he see's harumi's face turn from a smile to a frown.

Lloyd couldn't be patient anymore he wanted to know what happened . The others looked down and Kai walked up to lloyd .

Kai placed a hand on his shoulder

Kai : lloyd we ... Uh need to talk

As Kai said this there were tears in his eyes .

Lloyd pov

I asked what happened to which Kai looked down and told me that my mother was in the hospital in ICU after she was attacked . The doctors said she has a slim chance of surviving .

I-i felt tears roll down my eyes as Kai brought me into a comforting hug . Harumi joined and after a while I felt better .

We all are our breakfast in silence and then when down to continue to figure out how to stop clouse .

Jay didn't say a single joke and we were all serious. There was silence and i broke it by getting myself together .

No pov

Lloyd :Guys stop !! We need to focus .

Kai : agreed

After this everyone became back to normal and then they started properly doing rnd on the topic .

Cole : Soo uh let's see what do we know bout clouse

Kai : Meh he is a sorcerer

Nya :Like darkkkk magic

Jay : He had a spell book

Lloyd : But we burnt it

Zane : Clouse worked for Chen so where is Chen and how are they put of the departed realm .

Jay : Fact and speaking of which lloyd did you see any of em in the departed realm.

Lloyd : NoPe they were in the cursed part of the departed realm... Tho dad as in emperor garmadon was also there .

Jay : Oh ok well then don't tell me there are more masks which can ressurect someone .

Harumi : No jay ... They were the only three

Jay : oh ok

They continue disscusing and they formalize a plan on how to stop the overlord but firsttttt

Jay : Lloyd ! Can you like you know try to see like those uh visiony things-a-majick

Lloyd : i donno how

Kai : hmm try focusing maybe , that may work

Zane : For the first I think Kai said something smart and sensible

Kai :hmph offensive

Zane : no one cares

* Cool sunglases on Zane and roast music in the background *

Nya : Where is that music coming from

Ninjago_obsessed: Me i am playing and shit uh i broke the fourth wall byee

Nya : Weird whatever


Kai and Jay help lloyd to try and force the vision while the rest are researching and keeping guard .

Kai : Ok focus think about clouse and the overlord

Jay : Ya just try to relax and imagine

Lloyd closed his eyes and inhales then exhales . He does this five times and then he succeededs .

He sees clouse standing there at a table and the overlord is explaining the ritual to summon him .

Clouse : So now we know the ninja have the Two pendants

Overlord: hmm

Clouse : So we will splash

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