Chapter sixteen: Caps and shells may fall to dust

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Quirrel decided to go through the Fungal Wastes next. He knew that'd be way less dangerous than what he'd witnessed in Deepnest. Still, it proved it's challenge. He wondered how anything could live in this place. He wondered how that Mantis Village still thrived, even with the infection. Questions like this kept him up at night forever. That was when he spotted something. A campfire, just smothered. Someone was here. And by the looks of it, had just left. Quirrel didn't know if it was because of him, or if it was just his luck. He saw reminisce of a campsite. He didn't know if it belonged to who he was after, but there was always a chance. He kept moving, avoiding anything infected by the sight. It was much less dangerous than Deepnest, as he'd predicted. Therefore, he moved quicker than he had in Deepnest. Even with a weapon as lethal as his, he still was only amature in nail fighting. He decided to keep on guard, for he knew nothing of what lurks here. Avoiding the spews of infection from the Fungoons. He realized how this may prove a challenge for any bug. He'd always heard stories of before the Infection. None of these poor creatures were like this. None of them brutal, mindless creatures wanting nothing but murder.

(Again, I'm sorry if this seems inconsistent.)  

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