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Sana hurriedly entered the school like she was in a rush. She walked towards the principals office and found tzuyu outside with the triplets. They had their heads down. Looks like tzuyu actually scolded them. Sana quickly ran to them.

"M-mom...." Said minju when she saw sana. Tzuyu and the other two also looked at the direction. Minju and hyewon ran to sana and hugged her.
Sana almost cried because. But she has to stay strong.

She gave kisses in their heads.
"How are you? A-and why's your face is like that?" Asked sana checking hyewons wound in the lips. Both of them remain in silence. They looked down . Like they weren't proud about what they did earlier.

"They fought with someone. Even hit the other kid badly. " Said tzuyu disappointedly. Sana was in denial.
"What? The triplets? Hey....you guys didn't do anything right? Answer me. " Sana asked the three of them.

"They won't answer cause they did. And the one who started the fight was hyewon....sigh .....I can't believe it. I thought you were the cool headed among the three. " Said tzuyu sighing in disappointment.
"It was not my fault!!! They are the one who-"
"Hyewon... don't..." Minju stopped her and shook her head telling her to not say it.

"Look kids you can tell it to me right? I am your mom I won't scold you. Pls tell me. " Said Sana in a soft tone.

Tzuyu frowned. 'is it some kind of manipulation?' tzuyu thought.

"I am sorry mom , we can't. " Said minju.

Suddenly Tzuyu's phone rang. Tzuyu picked up the phone.
"What?..... right now?....sigh....ok I am coming.." said tzuyu over the phone.
She then cut the call.

"I have to go now... Kids , behave well. Don't embarrass me....or your mom. " Said tzuyu and looked at sana for the last time. Sana was wearing a cap and it looked like she just came from the company. 'she looks beautiful in every way possible..... ' tzuyu thought.

Sana also stared at tzuyu for quite a bit. But then she averted her eyes so that she won't lose Infront of tzuyu's eyes that were begging for her. And tzuyu felt hurt again thinking sana is disgusted by her. Tzuyu took a long breath before going out if the school.

After a bit of silence sana spoke, " let's go inside the principals office. "
The triplets nodded. They entered the principals office there they saw heejin with her sister hyejoo. Hyejoo just rolled her eyes seeing them.

"Ohh Ms. Minatozaki pls come inside. " Said the principal. Sana bowed a bit and entered with the triplets.
"Pls wait a bit , hyejoo and heejins mother will arrive soon. " Said the principal. Sana nodded.

At the same time the door opened revealing a woman who was almost the same age sana. But a bit younger.
The woman was elegant and beautiful. Sana instantly recognize the person who it was. Of course sana knows her too. She is a well known actress-model in the industry. Also in the same agency as sana.

It was son mina. Sana stood up and bowed a bit to mina. Mina warmly smiled and bowed back. Then sat beside sana and also bowed the principal. Principal did the same.

"I think you know why you are called today. " Said the principal. Sana nodded. But mina doesn't know anything.
"I am sorry but may I know why?" Said mina.
"You see, your child son hyejoo got into a fight with the the two of them. " Said the principal pointing at hyunjin and hyewon. Mina looked at the two and frowned. She was pretty much disappointed at how hyejoo behaved.

She then looked at sana with a sorrowful eyes.
"I am sorry for what my daughter has done. " Said mina in a calm tone. Sana was impressed with how polite mina was. Even reaching one of the highest level of her career she still remains kind.

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