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Morning came. Tzuyu was the first one to wake up. Sana was tired from last night. The stress , the crying , everything took a lot of energy away from her. Tzuyu didn't wanted to wake sana up. She just looked at sana. Caressed sana's hair lovingly. Stared at sana longingly. She was in a debate if she should kiss sana on her forehead. Fortunately sana was in deep sleep. She didn't wake up.

Tzuyu looked at the time. She needed to go office early as there was an important meeting today. So as always she went to the shower. Tzuyu got ready. She stood Infront of the mirror of her big closet. White shirt , tie, pants , hair were done, she just needed to wear her coat. Which she will after having breakfast.

Before going out of the room she again looked at sana.

She went to the dinning table and sat there to have her breakfast. The maids were busy making the breakfast. Tzuyu took her phone and started to scroll down to check todays news. Obviously related things with business world.

Meanwhile, sana just woke up as she missed that warmth of tzuyu. She looked around but couldn't find tzuyu.
"Tzuyu...?" Sana called softly looking around. Sana looked at the watch. It was too early for tzuyu to go to her office. Sana knew tzuyu was probably around at this time. She knew tzuyu wouldn't go without saying goodbye.

She decided to freshen herself up and then find tzuyu.

Sana took a shower and come out wearing only a towel. She went inside the big closet that tzuyu owns. Instead of wearing her own clothes she ended up wearing one of tzuyu's shirts.

Sana sniffed the shirt she was wearing.
"It smells just like tzu....." Sana mumbled to herself. Sana then got out of the room. Then went to the dinning room finding Tzuyu there eating her breakfast. The maids were serving her food.

Sana walked to tzuyu. Without saying anything sana sat on tzuyus lap taking tzuyu off guard. Along with the maids who were kind of shocked. Sana snuggled into tzuyus neck sniffing tzuyu's fragrance while hugging tzuyu's waist.

The maids who were standing there looked down and decided to ignore it and leave, as none of it were their business.

"Good morning..." Said tzuyu softly to sana.
"Good morning tzu.." said sana. Tzuyu caressed sana's waist.
"Do you want to have breakfast?" Said tzuyu still with the same sweet tone. Sana just shook her head.
"I prefer staying like this for a while. " Said sana then gave a small kiss on tzuyus neck and then continued to snuggle while closing her eyes.

Sana was peaceful whenever she is with tzuyu. It was like another world. Where there it was just them.

Tzuyu continued to have her breakfast. She then glanced a bit on sana.
"Sana....I won't be coming here tonight. I will stay at my mansion. " Said tzuyu. Sana slowly opened her eyes.

Sana's heart felt like breaking down.
"Of course, it's fine.....after all you have a wife at home......you need to make time for her too...." Sana said softly. Every word felt like a stab on her own heart. She was stabbing herself badly. But sana knew she deserves it.

Tzuyu couldn't utter a word. Even though it was truth that she is married now. Tzuyu didn't like the way sana addressed it. She could feel the sadness in sana's voice.

"It's fine tzu...I will wait ...." Said sana softly staying at the same state.
Tzuyu again said nothing. She just ate her breakfast. After breakfast and some tea tzuyu was done with her breakfast.

It was time for tzuyu to leave. Sana and tzuyu both hold each other's hand and walked to the door. At the doorstep tzuyu wore her shoes. Sana just stared at her.

"I am going to office sana. " Said tzuyu staring at sana. Sana then walked more close to tzuyu. She wrapped her hands around tzuyus neck. They started at each other. Untill sana made a bold move and smashed their lips together. Tzuyu hold sana's waist. Pulling sana more closer tzuyu also kissed back. Their lips were like a magnet. Didn't wanted to leave. They closed each other's eyes and continued to enjoy the kiss. It got more and more passionate.

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