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The triplets just moved in . They had to move their things upstairs to where they will stay. Tzuyu and sana were helping them to manage the things.
"Hyunjin you will keep your clothes in this part. Hyewon keep your clothes on the opposite of the hyewon. Minju that leaves you with the middle part. " Said Sana in ordering tone.

The triplets nodded together. At that time tzuyu entered holding a big box which probably has the triplets books. The twins followed her. Sana saw it. She can't help but feel jealous of tzuyu for  the fact that the twins won't even leave her side after moving here. As if they are glued to tzuyu.

Tzuyu put the box down.
"Kids your books are here. " Said tzuyu. Sana then looked at the twins.
"Sully, what did mom say before? Don't put your finger in your mouth. " Said Sana then put her finger out of  her mouth. Sullyoon did. But then a minute later she again put her finger in her mouth.

"Sweetie don't do it. You will become sick. Then mama will cry. Do you want mama to cry. " Said tzuyu. Sullyoon shook her head. Yiren saw it and also started to shake her head.
"Then put your finger out. " Said tzuyu softly. Sullyoon put it out.
"Good girl. " Said tzuyu then gave a kiss on sullyoons cheeks.
"Come here, you are a good girl too. " Said tzuyu to yiren . Yiren walked closer as tzuyu gave her a kiss on the cheek too.

The twins smiled. Tzuyu then stood up. She hold the twins hands in both of her hands.
"Hyewon, minju, hyunjin I will be staying at the room that is at the end of the hallway. If you have any problem you can call me from there. " Said tzuyu.

"And I will be staying at the room that is nearer than yours. You guys can call me for anything. Now start unpacking your clothes and books. " Said Sana. Here comes their competitive aura. Minju hated it. She just sighed and started doing her work trying to ignore her parents competitiveness.

"Where's jeongin?" Asked sana.
"He is sleeping. He is tired. " Said tzuyu.
"I wasn't asking you. " Said Sana looking straightly at tzuyu.
"I am sorry for saying what I knew. " Said tzuyu looking at sana emotionlessly.

Sana was about to say another thing when her phone  rang. It was suho.
"Hello? Yeah? Wait you are?" Said Sana in surprising tone. Tzuyu just eyed her. Sana looked so excited just in a moment.

Sana then cut the call and went downstairs. Tzuyu who was curious and also wanted to know followed her while holding the twins hands. She saw suho , her jaw clenched. Then she saw sana and suho kissing again for the second time. Luckily the twins weren't looking at there. Tzuyu then saw them coming upstairs.

At one point they were Infront of each other.
"Suho, long time no see. " Said tzuyu in her cold voice that she uses in her office.
"Ohh, tzuyu. Yeah, long time no see. " Said suho. The rivalry was not hidden between them.
"Suho let's go to my room." Said Sana putting her hand on suhos and pulling him to her room. Suho just glanced at tzuyu for once and smirked without sana's knowing. Tzuyu felt anger. The feeling was back.

Tzuyu just wanted to punch him hard on his face. She glared at him. He just went away while putting his hands around sana's shoulder.

Sana and suho went inside sana's room.
"So this is my room. " Said Sana.
"Woah, that Chou sure has some money....." Said suho looking around. He then looked at sana. He pulled sana closer to him. Sana gasped at him.

"Suho...what are you doing?" Sana said whispering shouting. A bit smile was on her face.
"You won't leave me for her, right?" Said suho looking at sana hopefully.
Sana's words stuck in her throat. 'yes' that's what sana wanted to say. But it felt so hard to say.

"Y-yeah I won't. " Sana said finally.
"Promise?" He said again. But this time with a smile.
"Promise. " Said Sana. He then pecked sana's lips.

"Let's sit shall we?" Said Sana. Suho nodded. The next thing sana knew is that her and suho were on her bed. She was on suhos lap and they were making out. They kissed passionately.

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