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Hyunjin along with hyewon and minju looked at jeongin who was suck in bed.
"Hey little one ..... How are you feeling now?" Asked hyunjin to Jeongin.
"Are you feeling cold ?" Asked hyewon. Jeongin slowly nodded.
"Wait, I am gonna get a thicker blanket for him. " Said minju. The other two nodded.

"Unnie what hwappen to owppa?..." Asked sullyoon looking at hyewon.
"Oppa is sick yonnie. " Said hyewon.
"Owppa cwan't pwlay?" Asked yiren..
"No , yiren-ah. He is weak right now. " Said hyunjin to sullyoon and yiren.

The twins then tried to get up in the bed. But they were having a hard time. So hyewon helped them to get up in the bed. Sullyoon sat on the right side while yiren sat on the left side of jeongin. Sullyoon then gave a kiss to jeongins head. Yiren did the same thing following sullyoon.

"Owppa....gwet well swoon. " Said sullyoon.
"Yiwen and suwy mwiss you..." Said yiren.

"Aww, was sully and yiren giving oppa jeongin a get well soon kiss?" Asked minju coming back with a thick blanket.

Both yiren and sullyoon nodded.
"You guys are so sweet. " Said minju complementing the twins with a smile.
"Unnie is proud of you. " Said hyewon looking at the twins with a smile.

On the other hand,

"Sana....go to jeongin. I will cook. " Said tzuyu coldly.
"No. I am the one who will cook. You don't know how to cook. " Said Sana giving the same cold shoulder to tzuyu.
"This is my house sana. What I said should be the last word here. You are my guest. Nothing more." Said tzuyu.
'yeah right, guest. ' sana thought. She felt hurt a bit. Hearing that tzuyu only see her as a guest.

"My kids are here. I want them to have something healthy. " Said Sana strictly.
"Even if you try to stop me, there's no way I am hearing you. " Said Sana . Then started to cut vegetables again.

Tzuyu sighed and went back to kids room. There she saw the kids. Tzuyus heart melted seeing them being worried about jeongin. How they were also taking care of jeongin. Tzuyu walked to them .
"Minju honey, give me some space." Said tzuyu.
"Ohh sure. " Said minju. Tzuyu went near jeongin and sat beside jeongin.
"Sweetie, do you want to eat anything?" Asked tzuyu. Jeongin shookes his head. Tzuyu then checked his temperature.

"Sigh....umm, minju, hyewon, hyunjin you guys won't mind if the twins share the room with you tonight right?" Asked tzuyu.
"No mama. It's ok. You need to stay with jeongin. " Said minju. Tzuyu nodded.

"Kids thanks for understanding. " Said tzuyu.
"Sully, yiren...." Tzuyu called the twins softly. The twins immediately went to tzuyu and snuggled to her.
"Mwama owppa cwan't pwlay....." Said sullyoon with a small pout on.
"Mwama suwy and yirwen will stway here?" Said yiren to tzuyu. Tzuyu nodded.
"Will mwama slweep with us?" Asked sullyoon. Tzuyu doesn't know what to answer now. If she says yes then it will be a lie. If she says no then the twins will be sad.

"Umm ..... don't you want to sleep with unnie?" Said tzuyu.
"No, suwy wants mwom and mwama. "Said sullyoon with her sparkling eyes.
"Yiwen too ...." Said yiren.
"Sully, yiren mama and mom are going to look after jeongin tonight. Don't you want him to get well soon?" Said tzuyu. Sullyoon and yiren nodded.
"Then tonight you have to sleep with unnies , so that mama and mom can look after him and he will be fine soon. " Said tzuyu.

Sullyoon and yiren were silent now. They looked like they were thinking something.
"We will play many games tonight. How about that?" Asked hyunjin smiling.
"Will you twell us stwoies?" Asked yiren. Hyewon nodded.
"Yes we will. " Said hyewon.
"So will you stay with us?" Asked minju.
The twins then nodded happily.

At that time sana entered the room.
"You guys it's almost time for dinner. I know all of you guys are hungry. Dinners on the table. " Said Sana . The kids nodded and left. tzuyu was still there.  Sana then walked closer to jeongin.
"Sweetie? Are you hungry? Mom cooked your favorite. " Said Sana softly.
"Mwom....mwama..." Called jeongin.
"Yes?" Both Sana and tzuyu said at the same time.

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