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Sana was avoiding tzuyu now. In the breakfast sana would try to not look at tzuyu, same goes for dinner. Tzuyu wanted to make everything clear to sana. But at the same time she thought it wouldn't make any difference between them anyways. Sana would go back to suho. Will always tell tzuyu that suho is now her new lover.

Tzuyu really wanted to tell sana that nothing happened between her and elkie. Yes , she stayed at elkies house for the night but nothing happened between them.

"So....did you tell sana ?" Asked elkie.
" about?" Asked tzuyu.
"About that nothing happened between us. " Said elkie.
"No. It doesn't matter though. Even though I tell her, I don't think she will believe me..." Tzuyu said then sigh.
"Don't get too worked up on that...." Said Elkie trying to comfort tzuyu.

Tzuyu nodded. Tzuyu remembered what happened that night, it's not like she walked into elkies house or anything. All of these happened when they bumped into each other that night......

Flashback :

Tzuyu was drunk. She drank too much in the party but again found herself drinking at the convenience store. Tzuyu thought about her life till now. Sipping the beer, tzuyus mind again went to the way sana and suho were dancing with each other. How one time she was one who used to be on suhos place.


Tzuyu looked up only to find elkie standing.
"Elkie? You here?" Tzuyu said drunkenly.
"Are you ok? You are drunk. " Said elkie worriedly. Tzuyu just chuckled sadly.
"I guess so. I should've gotten used to it....but I am not......" Said Tzuyu sadly. Her eyes were empty. Heart was aching.

"Is this.....about sana?" Asked elkie.
"Who else...." said tzuyu. Tzuyu then took out her cigarette to smoke but then got her hand held by elkie.
"I don't think you should. " Said elkie.

"Are you trying to stop me from smoking too?" Asked tzuyu drunkenly. Her eyes were half lided.
"I am....I am ok...sigh ....' said tzuyu and closed her eyes. But then she passed out there on the table. Elkie sighed looking at tzuyu.

Elkie caressed tzuyu's hair.

"She must be really stressed out about  everything. " Said elkie.

Elkie then decided to take tzuyu to her own house as it was getting late and elkie doesn't know how to drive. Elkie made tzuyu stand up and put tzuyu's hand on her shoulder. Then took tzuyu to her house.

Elkie has a small apartment, she made tzuyu lay down on the guest room bed. Tzuyu fell asleep on the bed. Elkie caressed tzuyu's cheeks.

"Sigh tzuyu.....you should really start taking care of yourself..."  Said elkie then left the room.

End of flashback

The next morning when tzuyu woke up she found herself in elkies apartment. She then said thank you to elkie for taking care of her and left the home.

"Hey by the way the twins birthday is coming, I am thinking about arranging a small party , what do you think?" Asked tzuyu. Elkie nodded.

"I will come. How about I make them cake for their birthday?" Asked elkie. Tzuyu smiled. The twins love elkies chocolate cake. Tzuyu heard her kids praising the cake a lot. So tzuyu didn't mind.
"That would be awesome. I want this birthday to be their best. Who knows when I will be able to arrange a birthday party for them again. " Said tzuyu sadly.
"What do you mean?" Asked elkie.

"After the birthday the custody case of the kids will start again. I don't know if...I could win the case. " Said tzuyu worriedly.
"Don't think negatively tzuyu. Be positive. I have a feeling that you will win. " Said elkie.

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