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Tzuyu got ready wearing her clothes. Today is the day she will be meeting her twins and hyunjin. She took the gifts that she bought for the twins. Two same toys , two pairs of socks as it is getting cold out their and two pair of shoes for the twins. While for hyunjin she took breads , oversized hoodie and pants that she also bought for hyewon and minju, after all hyunjin loves to wear comfortable clothes. Whenever tzuyu buys something for one of the triplets she also buys it for the other two too. Same goes for the twins.

The other day tzuyu went to shopping and bought these . Tzuyu realized that she has bought all of her kids something but jeongin didn't. So she bought jeongin a toy that is suitable for jeongin. Jeongin was over the moon to get his gift.

Sana and her always made sure that their kids are treated equally. They didn't have any favorites. They loved them equally.

"Minju , hyewon, take care of the house and jeongin." Said tzuyu. Minju and hyewon nodded. Tzuyu kneeled to reach jeongins height.
"Jeongin, be good to noonas while mamas out. " Jeongin smiled showing his teeth and nodded.

Tzuyu then stood up and leave. She went to her car and placed the gifts on backseat. Tzuyu started to drive to sanas parents house.

Meanwhile in sana's house hyunjin was continuously looking outside from the window to see when tzuyu is coming. The living room had a window where you can have a view of outside. She was standing with the twins.

"Sully, yiren mamas going to come today. Let's wait for her here. " Said hyunjin.
"Weally? Mwama ish cowming?" Said sullyoon.
"Yes she is. " Said hyunjin excitedly.
"Yiwen wuvs mwama......" Said yiren looking at hyunjin with her innocent eyes.
"Suwy wuvs mama too. " Said sullyoon. Hyunjin patted their heads and smiled.
"We all do. " Said hyunjin.

"Looks like they are excited to meet tzuyu......." Said Mrs. Minatozaki to sana. They were secretly looking at them.
"Y-yeah....oka-san I think i-i should go out for a while....." Said Sana .
"Sana , you should stay. Let's just say that today you succeed to not see tzuyu but next week she is going to come again. How long are you going to run away? So stay. " Said Mrs. Minatozaki.

She was right. She has to face tzuyu today and show her how fine she is without tzuyu. She has to act strong , she can't melt today.

"*Gasp* mamas here!!! " Hyunjin exclaimed in happiness. She alone with the twins ran to the entrance and  opened the door. Hyunjin ran to tzuyu and jumped on Tzuyu. Tzuyu hugged her with a big smile. In past few days this is the time when she felt true happiness.

The twins did a small run to meet tzuyu. Tzuyu reached their height by kneeling.
"Mwama~~~~" said sullyoon with her cute voice. Followed by yiren .
"Mwama~~~~" said yiren and gave a small giggle. Tzuyu smiled at them. She hugged the two of them at the same time. She pampered them with kisses.

"Mama missed you two...." Said tzuyu.
"We missed mwama too...." Said yiren.
"Yeah, we missed mwama too...." Said sullyoon.

Tzuyu stood up. "I have brought gifts for all of you." Said tzuyu looking at them one by one.
"Wait...." Tzuyu said. She then went back to car and brought the gifts out.
The twins didn't left tzuyu. They were following her to the car. Tzuyu started to walk but has to walk a bit slow as the twins were walking while holding her pants.

"Mama , give the gifts to me. You can hold both of their hands then. " Said hyunjin. Tzuyu then gave the gifts to hyunjin and hold both of her twins hands while walking to the house. Sana who saw this scene was breaking inside. Seeing how happy and excited her kids were to see tzuyu. She asked herself if she was doing a sin by not letting tzuyu meet the kids.

After entering the house the first person tzuyu saw was sana. It looked like both wanted to tell a lot of things to each other. They are standing so close but at the same time they are so far.

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