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Tzuyu and elkies smile wasn't stopping and so was sanas heart burning. Sana's hand clinched. She was having mixed feelings. She was looking at elkie as if elkie has done some serious crime and sana hated her for that.

'why is she here? What does she wants now?' sana thought frowning.

"Elkie come inside. We need to catch up. " Tzuyu said smiling. Elkies smile got bigger and it didn't go unnoticed by sana.
"Of course tzuyu. We do have a lot to catch up. " Said elkie smiling. Elkies eyes then suddenly went to sana. The smile got smaller.

'how can I forget....she is someone else's now....' elkies heart hurt. She walked to sana with a small smile.
"Hi, I know we didn't get the chance introduce each other properly and I couldn't come at your wedding. I am elkie, sana right? " Said elkie and moved her hand forward for a shake.

Sana smiled forcedly.
"You remember my name..." Sana said.
"Of course I do.." elkie said.
'how can I forget the name that stole my love from me....' thought elkie bitterly. The past wounds were freshening right now.

"I am sana...." Sana said and took a glance at tzuyu. Tzuyu could feel the tension between them. Tzuyu could see the hurt on sana's eyes.

Sana then again looked at elkie.
"Sana minatozaki..." Said sana still smiling forcedly. Elkie was frowning now.
"Minatozaki?....I thought-" elkie who was a bit confuse got cut off by tzuyu.
"Elkie, me and sana got divorced. That's why. " Said tzuyu like she says it on daily basis. Sana just stared at her.
'how easy it is for you to say , isn't it chou tzuyu?' sana thought.

"Oh! Yeah of course...." Said elkie looking at tzuyu then looked back at sana.
"What do you mean by of course?" Sana asked elkie looking at her stoically. The atmosphere changed in a second. Hyunjin who was looking at them for a long time decided to leave.
'I should....go to my room. It's for the best. ' thought hyunjin as she saw how her mother was getting angry.

"I mean-" elkie got cut off again as sana spoke.
"Ahh you always wanted that didn't you ?" Said sana looking at elkie or more like glaring at her.
"What? No! Why would I want that for tzuyu?" Said elkie frowning.
"Sana enough. " Said tzuyu with her cold voice. Tzuyu's face showed that she was annoyed with how sana was acting with Elkie. It looked strict and harsh. Sana just stared.

But her face got softer when she looked at elkie.
"Elkie let's go inside. I know you wanted to talk about something. " Said tzuyu with her soft voice. Sana wanted to roll her eyes.

"Actually...I was here to talk to both if you..." Said elkie looking back and forth to sana and tzuyu. Sana wanted to talk back but stopped when she heard the next line.
"It's about the twins...." Said elkie worriedly. This time sana forgot what she was thinking. After all her kids comes first.

The three of them were sitting on the couch facing one another. Elkie started to speak.
"Yiren and sullyoon both of them are actually suffering because of the fight of you two. " Said elkie.
Sana and tzuyu looked at each other worriedly.
"You see...last week in our class we told the kids to draw a picture of their with their parents together. Yiren and sullyoon draw this. " Said elkie then showed them a picture made of crayon. In that picture tzuyu was standing a far from the twins and sana. There was a lighting between tzuyu and sana, sullyoon, yiren.

It hurt sana. What she was afraid might happen was happening right now. The kids getting affected by this.

Sana took the drawings. Her eyes got teary. Tzuyu's face looked worried.
"When I asked them about it. Their answer was that their parents always fight whenever they are together. They don't like that but couldn't do anything. They said they asked Santa Claus to make them stop fight but Santa didn't hear them. " Said elkie . She then sigh.

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