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Sullyoon and yiren were waiting for tzuyu outside the kindergarten. Almost all the kids have left. It's just only them.
"I just called your mama , she said she will be here soon. Would you like to go and sit inside? You guys have been standing here for long. " Said elkie. The twins shook their head together.

Finally tzuyu arrived. She got out of the car smiling. She ran to the twins.
"Sorry I was a bit late. " Said tzuyu.
"It's owkay." Said sullyoon. Tzuyu then looked at elkie.
"Thanks for taking care of the kids. " Said tzuyu.
"You don't have to thank me tzuyu. Its my duty. " Said elkie. Tzuyu nodded.

"Elkie, if you don't mind are you free right now? " Asked tzuyu straightforward. Elkie was taken a back. Was tzuyu asking her out or anything.
"Huh?....uhh...yeah...I-i am.." said elkie.
"That's great. I was thinking if we could have some coffee together. " Said tzuyu smiling.
'is she asking me out?' thought elkie. Her cheeks got red. An instant feeling of happiness is what she felt on her stomach.

"Well I am free right now. " Said elkie.
"So you wanna go?" Asked tzuyu.
"Sure. Why not. " Said elkie smiling. Tzuyu smiled back.

They went inside the car. Tzuyu started to drive. Soon they reached a well known cafe. There weren't too many people as it was working hour.
They went inside.

"Welcome to our cafe. " Said the waitress smiling.
"We would like to have a table for four. " Said tzuyu.
"Sure. Pls follow me ma'am. " Said the waitress. They followed. They reached the table. Tzuyu helped sullyoon and yiren to sit on the chair. They started to order.

As they were done ordering , the next thing they did was talk.
"So how's life going?" Asked tzuyu.
"It's great actually. You tell me about yourself tzuyu. " Said elkie.
"Nothings much since the divorce. " Said Tzuyu.
Elkie at that moment badly wanted to ask tzuyu about why she and sana divorced. But couldn't as she felt like its too soon to ask something personal like that. Besides both of them hadn't talked with each other for like 18 years.

So she thought about asking it later.

"Are you seeing someone right now? I mean I just wanted to know since sana looked like she is already in a happy relationship. " Said elkie.
'happy relationship......yeah...she must be happy that guy...' thought tzuyu.

"No. I am not seeing anyone. " Said tzuyu. Elkie nodded.
'wait that means she is single?' suddenly elkie felt happy knowing tzuyus status is single.

"So....are you planning to?" Asked elkie.
"I actually don't know to be honest.....it's kind of complicated. " Said tzuyu looking down.
"Ohh...did I make you sad? I am sorry tzu. " Said elkie.
"No it's totally ok. " Said tzuyu with a small smile.

"Your order ma'am. " Said the waitress. Tzuyu and elkie continued to talk. Tzuyu sometimes helped the twins to finish their food.
"Mwama water. " Said yiren as she was thirsty.
"Yiren-ah here let me help you with that. " Said elkie as she helped yiren to drink the water in the glass.

"Yoon-ah you have a small stain on your face. Let me help you. " Said elkie as she helped sullyoon.
"Thank youuuuu" said sullyoon brightly.
"Welcome sweetie. " Said elkie smiling.
"You really love kids don't you ?" Said tzuyu.
"I do. They are really cute. I think it's beautiful, thrilling to see them grow Infront of your eyes. They are angles after all. " Said elkie then pat both yiren and sullyoons head.

Tzuyu felt happy seeing the kids getting along with Elkie.
"You would make a great mother. " Said tzuyu.
"Really? That's a really good compliment. " Said elkie. Elkie then checked at the clock.
"It's getting late. Let's go now. Sana must be waiting for you guys. " Said elkie.
"Not for me . Just for the twins. She isn't home right now. Probably in her job. " Said tzuyu. Elkie nodded.

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