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"And CUT!!! That's it for today everyone!! Anna, suho you both did great!!" Said the director. Both sana and suho bowed to the staffs as a 'good work' and 'thank you'.

"Woah....you did great today again Anna." Said suho smiling at sana.
"You too suho. I still feel like I have many things to learn. " Said Sana with a pout.

'cute.' suho thought in his mind.
"I think you are great already. You will see, when the drama comes out people are going to love you. " Said suho.
"I hope so too. By the way , it's your second drama right?" Asked sana to suho.
"Uhh, yeah. On the first one I had to act as a side character. It's my first time as a lead. So I also feel like I have to learn things too. " Said suho.
"I understand. We are on the same boat after all. " Said Sana.

"Anna-shi!!! Can you pls come here a bit?" Called the director.
"Coming!!" Said Sana. She then gave a last smile to suho and walked off.
Suho smiled like an idiot and kept on staring at sana. As if he can't take his eyes off.

Suho then went back to his changing room to change.

"Anna-shi, the company CEO wants to meet you. He said it's urgent. He just called me right now. " Said the director. Sana nodded.
"I will. Thank you. " Said Sana . She then changed her clothes and walked to the director office.

Sana quickly changed into her regular clothes. She took her bag and went to the CEO's office. Sana knocked the door before entering.

"Anna-shi I was waiting for you to come. " Said the CEO.
"Is there you need anything pd-nim?" Sana said.
"Yes, you know that we are actually looking a manager for you right?" Asked the CEO. Sana nodded.
"The bad news is we still haven't found someone worth for it. So I have decided that one of our employees will be your manager for the meantime. " Said the CEO. Sana nodded understanding.

*Knock knock*

"Come in...." Said the CEO. The door opened.

"Sir did you call me?" Said the voice. The voice that sana has been trying to avoid for good. The voice that still gives her a weird feeling. Feeling that she still hasn't been able to describe even if it's been 15 years.

Sanas eyes met her ex wife. Chou Tzuyu. Attractive, handsome, beautiful, gorgeous are the words that sana can use to describe tzuyu. Tzuyu looked dashing in sana's eyes even if she is just in her simple office attire.
Tzuyu and sana's eyes met. Tzuyu gulped hard. Sanas eyes looked hesitant. She quickly looked somewhere else.
"Yes, I called you here. " Said the CEO.
He then continued, "you see our artist Ms. Minatozaki Anna needs a manager. But unfortunately we couldn't find anyone. So I decided to ask you if it's ok with you to be her manager for the meantime." Said the CEO.

"You don't have to worry about the salary. You were asking for overtime right? Take this as overtime. We will pay you extra. " Said the CEO looking at tzuyu.  Tzuyu bowed down a bit.
"Thank you very much sir. I will take the offer. " Said tzuyu. The CEO nodded smiling.

"Anna-shi it's ok with you right?" Asked the CEO looking at sana.
"Y-yeah....." Said Sana.
"Ok!! It's decided then. " Said the CEO.


"You did it intentionally.... didn't you?" Asked sana looking at the front. Tzuyu who was driving the car frowned.
"Did what?...."said tzuyu.
"Stop acting innocent tzuyu!! You know what I am talking about. " Said Sana pretty pissed voice.
"If you won't tell me then how am I supposed to know?" Said tzuyu also getting mad.
"Tsk. You intentionally wanted to be my manager. " Said Sana.
"What? No! Didn't you hear him? He was the one who decided it. "

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