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The whole journey was awkward. Sana couldn't stop thinking about yesterday night. Tzuyu was inside her just a few hours ago. She was screaming tzuyus name not long ago. And now they are acting like a Uber driver and a passenger.

Tzuyu also was thinking about the last night. She was in great confusion. Her and Sana a while ago were all over each other. What was the meaning of it. Was that drink only reason? In tzuyus case it wasn't. In the first intercourse it was the drinks fault. But the rest was tzuyu following her heart. She wondered if in sana's case it was same too or not.
The awkward drive ended as they reached the mansion.

"Look they are here!!!" Said hyewon looking from the window of her room.
"They are? Finally!!" Said hyunjin.
"God I was worried.." mumbled minju.
"Let's go and greet them. " Said jeongin. The four of them went down running. They opened the door and saw sana coming out of tzuyus car smiling.

"Mom and.....mama? They came together. " Said hyewon a bit surprised.
"Won't you guys hug me? " Asked sana. The triplets and jeongin ran to sana. They hugged her together. Sana hugged them back.

"I missed you guys. I brought gifts for all of you. " Said sana smiling. The girls and the boy smiled.
"Where are my other two princesses?" Asked sana.
"They are sleeping. They will be up don't worry. " Said hyunjin.
"You guys didn't went to school today?" Asked sana.
"No. We were worried and decided to stay here and meet with you and mama. " Hyewon replied.

"Is that so....." Sana said.
"Kids, didn't you miss me?" Asked tzuyu coming out of the car.
"Of course we did. " Said hyunjin. The four of the three kids ran to tzuyu and hugged her tightly. Minju didn't. She just stood with sana.

"Mwama!!!!" The twins screamed looking at tzuyu. They ran to tzuyu. Tzuyu picked both of them up. She planted kiss on their cheeks. They kissed on Tzuyu's cheeks back.

Tzuyu smiled at them.
"Let's go inside now. " Said tzuyu. At that time the bodyguards arrived.
"Pls take the stuffs in my rooms." Said tzuyu to the bodyguards. They all bowed and did what she asked for .They all went inside. Tzuyu put the twins down.
"I am gonna go and get freshen up. Then let's have lunch ok?" Asked tzuyu. The others excluding sana nodded.

"Sana!!! Finally you are here!!!"
"Suho? You are here?" Asked sana looking at suho.
"Phew I was calling you last night. But you never picked. I was so worried. So I came to check if you are home or not. But the kids told me you are not. " Said suho. He then hugged sana.
"Don't make me this much worried. I won't be able to take it. " Said suho closing his eyes still holding sana.

Tzuyu swore to god. She wanted to punch him hard. Her fist clenched.

"I-its fine suho. I am fine now. Y-you don't have to worry for me. " Said sana patting his shoulder. Suho then broke the hug.
"I will be going now. I am tired of the journey. I need some sleep too....." Said tzuyu then left.

"Journey? D-did you and tzuyu came back together?" Asked suho a bit worried. "Let's talk in my room suho. " Said sana. She then hold suhos hand and guided to her room.
"You know I kind of feel bothered whenever I see mom with someone else other than mama. " Hyewon said looking at suho and sana.
"We both are the same I guess. " Said hyunjin.
"You both need to accept it. Come on sully , yiren your favorite cartoon will start soon. " Said minju. The twins followed minju from behind.
"Noona, I need some help in my studies. Can you pls help me?" Asked jeongin.
"Sigh. Fine. let's go. " Said hyunjin and took jeongin to his room.
"Jinjin , I will be going to the store later. You want anything. " Said hyewon.
"A bread will be ok. " Said hyunjin while walking up in the stairs. Hyewon nodded listening to her sister.


"Sana you didn't answer my question. " Said suho looking at sana.

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