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"Tzuyu!! Oh my god!!" Chaeyoung screamed when she saw tzuyu and some random girl making out.
"Hey!! Move!!" Chaeyoung said and shoved the girl away from tzuyu.
Tzuyu looked at chaeyoung.

"Why you do that? I was kissing sana...." Said tzuyu drunkenly.
"Tzuyu you are drunk and that's not sana. Look closely!!" Said chaeyoung.
Tzuyu frowned and sharped her gaze.

Tzuyu didn't spoke.
"Hey you, go back!!" Said chaeyoung.
"What ? Why would I ? " Said the girl.
"My friend isn't interested in you. " Said chaeyoung with a bit annoyance.
"Really? Let's ask her then. " Said the girl. The girl then walked to tzuyu and touched tzuyu's cheeks sensually.
"You are interested in me , right baby?" Asked the girl. But tzuyu flinched and moved her hand from her own skin. As if she was disgusted.
The girl then stomped on her legs.
"Tsk...bitch....." Mumbled the girl then left.

"Sigh. Tzuyu, let's take you home. " chaeyoung said. She helped tzuyu to stand up and took her to the car.
"Aigoo, why do you drink so much?" Asked chaeyoung. Tzuyu was silence for a while.
"Chae.....sana's in a relationship....." Said tzuyu looking straight as her eyes were teary. Chaeyoung took a glance at her for a moment then looked back at the way.

She heaved a sigh. 'so that's why....' chaeyoung thought. chaeyoung could easily understand how tzuyu felt right now. She would always thought what will be her condition if she was the one who was on Tzuyu's place and mina in sana's place. Chaeyoung would've acted the same way.

When you love someone so much , it becomes harder for you to accept that person with someone else. Specially when you were in a long term relationship with that person. Chaeyoung understood it.

Chaeyoung took tzuyu to her house. Tzuyu was walking drunkenly. She was dizzy and sleepy.
She knocked on the door a few times.
The door then opened.

When the door opened chaeyoung saw two girls who looked as same age as her own daughters. She smiled nervously at them.
"H-hey kids...umm ... tzuyu drank tonight. Can you guys take care of her ?" Asked chaeyoung slightly doubting their ability.

Minju and hyewon looked at each other and sighed.
"Don't worry. It's a regular thing now. " Said minju.
"Regular?" Asked chaeyoung confused.
"Why don't you come inside aunt chaeng?" Asked hyewon.

Chaeyoung entered the room with tzuyu. She placed tzuyu on the couch and tzuyu Right away fell asleep.
"I am sorry, I should have stopped tzuyu from drinking too much. " Said chaeyoung feeling a bit guilty.
"No aunty , you don't have to. It's just mamas been in real stress from the day she and mom got divorced. " Said hyewon.

"Honestly I am kind of getting tired. We want mama to be happy too. But......sigh. " Said minju looking down.

"So.. .I will be going now. You guys take care. "Said chaeyoung.
Minju and hyewon bowed to chaeyoung and bid her goodbye.
"I think we should talk to mama about her drinking habit. We don't want mama to ruin herself like that. " Said minju to hyewon.

"Yeah. I also agree with that. Let's talk about this tomorrow. " Said hyewon.

The next morning tzuyu woke up with a massive headache. She remembered that she had a drink with chaeyoung. Tzuyu got up massaging her head. When she got out she saw her daughters sitting in the couch waiting for her. Tzuyu got confused.

Tzuyu worriedly came to them.
"I-is there anything wrong?" Asked tzuyu.
"Mama .... actually we just w-wanted to talk about your drinking habit....." Said minju. Tzuyu sat down on Infront of them.

"Look mama, for the past few days we saw how much you are getting addicted to drinking. " Said hyewon.
"We hate seeing you like this ......we are not telling you to not drink ever again....it's just we wanted you to lessen it. " Hyewon continued.

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