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The business class was filled with the employees. There were some other people too. The company made sure to do everything for the artists safety.
Sana walked in with miyeon.

"Anna , this is your seat." Said miyeon.
Sana nodded and took the window seat. Sana then saw miyeon looking around.
"What are you looking at? Aren't you gonna sit with me?" Asked sana frowning.
"No.... unfortunately we are shortage of one seat in the business class. Someone has to sit on the economic class. " Said miyeon. Sana pouted.
"But I want to sit with you. I am going to be bored without you miyeon-ah. " Said Sana. Miyeon pouted too.

"I know....ummm Anna .... actually there's something I forget to mention" said miyeon smiling nervously.
"What is it?" Sana asked curiously
"Well umm....as you see we got shortage in seats and I have to go the economic class....s-so the person who will sit beside you is...c-chou tzuyu." Said miyeon gulping.
Sana then started to process what miyeon says. Sana's eyes widened.
"What?!" Sana said.

"I am sorry....she is the client you know. And we can't let a client sit in the economy class while we are on the business class. " Said miyeon.
Sana was understanding what miyeon was saying but sitting with tzuyu is the last thing she wanted in this journey.

"Don't worry you will be f-fine....b-besides it's for only some hours. We will reach there in no time. " Said miyeon.

Sana sighed. She can't do anything after all. It is miyeons job. At that time tzuyu came in the picture. She was looking for her seat untill she found out. She was surprised to see sana sitting beside her seat.

"Ms. Chou, this is your seat. " Said miyeon smiling.
"This?.....are you sure?" Asked tzuyu looking at miyeon.
"Yes...pls take it ma'am." Said miyeon politely. Tzuyu looked at sana who was glaring at her. Tzuyu just looked at her emotionlessly.
"Ok.....so where will you be sitting?" Asked tzuyu to miyeon.
"I will be sitting on the economy class." Said miyeon smiling.
"Economy? Why not here?" Asked tzuyu frowning. 'is she worried about her?' sana thought looking at tzuyu. A kind of jealousy was filing in her heart. 'why does she care so much?' thought sana. She just rolled her eyes.
"Ms. Chou, you are our client so it won't look good if we make you sit in the economy class right?" Said miyeon still with the smile.

"What's happening here?" The director , who's a man in his 50's, came there. He glanced at everyone.
"Sir, I was just telling Ms. Chou to sit with Anna. " Said miyeon.
"Really? Is there any problem?" Asked director. At that time an idea came in sana's mind.
"Director-nim why don't you sit with me?" Said sana giving him her best smile.
"With you ? " He then glanced at tzuyu and miyeon and then again looked at sana.
"Yes director-nim, pls?" Said sana cutely. The director smiled and nodded.
"Ms. Chou you won't mind right?" Asked the director.
"Director-nim, I don't want to sit with her. Sitting with you is better than sit with her. That's why I am asking you." Said sana looking back and forth at tzuyu and the director. Tzuyu clenched her ticket. The jealousy was eating her up. But she decided to keep it cool.

The director became happy. After all who doesn't want to sit with a woman who is beautiful and young at the same time. The women who is the fantasy of all guys.

He happily took his sit beside sana.
"Ms. Chou you can take my seat " said the director handing her his ticket. Sana just smirked looking at tzuyu.
'You thought I would sit with you? Never. ' thought sana. As if she has won the war.

Tzuyu who accepted her fate just sighed. She then looked at miyeon and smiled. She walked to miyeon. She took miyeons ticket and gave the one she has to miyeon.
"Ms. Chou-"
"It's fine. It will be safer for you to sit here rather than sitting on the economy class. " Said tzuyu smiling.

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