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Tzuyu walked as fast as she could. Not caring about anything. Her staffs were greeting her but she wasn't able to greet them as she needed to go to sana as fast as she could. She has already told eunbi to take care of her job.

Tzuyu got inside her car and went to her penthouse where sana is staying at this moment.

She knocked and bell the ring a few times. One of the maids opened it.
"Where is she ?" Tzuyu asked with her cold voice and walking fast.
"She is inside her room master.....she is not ok. " Said the maid walking along with tzuyu. Tzuyu stopped a while and looked at the maid. Then again started walking faster.

Tzuyu was worried. Really worried. Her hands were sweating the whole time. The whole time sana occupied her mind. Tzuyu finally reached Infront of sana's room.

She indicated the maid to go from there. Which the maid obligated.
Tzuyu took a long breath. Her heart beating fast.

She knocked the door several times.
"Sana..." Tzuyu called out softly. But no answer.
"Sana it's me .....tzuyu......" Said tzuyu. Waiting for sana to answer. Still no answer.
"Sana......love pls....open the door.....I am ......worried....."said tzuyu feeling like she was breaking down.

Tzuyu tried to hear inside. The door then unlocked finally. Tzuyu finally saw sana.

Sana's red eyes, the tears on her cheeks, the worried look on her face , everything made her look miserable.


When sana saw tzuyu she couldn't help. She ran to tzuyu and engulfed her into a hug. It wasn't a tight one. Rather it was loose one. It was like sana has lost her strength. She was feeling weak.

Tzuyu relived a bit hugged sana. She kissed sana's head. Sana cried on tzuyus arm. While tzuyu continued to comfort her. Sana then looked at tzuyu with her helpless eyes.

"Y-you don't b-belive it right? I.....I d-didn't do it....tzu p-pls believe me...." Sana said while sobbing. She broke into tears. Crying more miserably.

"I believe you sana. I trust you. I know you can never do that. " Said tzuyu caressing sana's face. Tzuyu then hugged sana again. Sana closed her eyes and hugged tzuyu back. Right now tzuyu is the strength she needs.

'but....who did it....' thought tzuyu.


The news spread like a wild fire. Sana became the talk of the country. Just a few days ago the people who were proud of her for her success are now hating her openly saying that the accusations must be true.

Sana was trending everywhere. Social media was filled with hate and malicious comment about her.

Tzuyu was inside SN entertainment. Chaeyoung was there too.

"Chaeyoung this is getting out of hand." Said tzuyu worriedly.
"I know. We need to do something about it. Besides I just can't let the company have this type of stain. " Said chaeyoung seriously.

There was a knock heard on the door.
"Come in. " Chaeyoung said. The door opened revealing Dahyun.

"Unnie finally you are here. " Said chaeyoung relived.
"Of course I have to. How the heck did things got out in public. I have no idea. " Said Dahyun taking a seat beside tzuyu.

"What? What does that mean?" Asked tzuyu frowning.
Dahyun then started to explain.
"Tzuyu this was supposed to be a secret mission. For a whole year I have been searching for the master mind behind this. " Dahyun said. She was tensed up about it too.

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