The War Zone

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"Check this out. The War Zone," Eddie said as he slammed down an article from his room. The teens all crowded around the kitchen table to get a better look at what he was showing them, "Ive been there once. its huge. They have got everything that you need for uh... well uh, killing things basically."

Adira had to refrain from rolling her eyes, of course he had been there. Adira hated violence, which was rather ironic considering her taste in men. Billy had been a violent boy, he showed interest in weapons like knives and knuckle breakers, and it didnt surprise Adira that Eddie was into that kind of stuff too. Eddie was... odd to say at the least, but Adira took an interest in that and she saw behind the reputation that he had created at school... she saw past the freak who liked to play fantasy games with teenagers in the school basement, the pot head (who had also dealt weed to Billy numerous times), the freak who would randomly call out shit in class and the cafeteria.

Adira managed to see behind all that, it was something that she had always done even if she didn't know she was doing in. She always managed to see the best in people, and often, she was able to bring the best out in people. She saw the caring and loyal side of Eddie, the humorous yet also damaged side of Eddie that not many others had been given the privilege to witness.

She had known him for years, she was practically the only person outside of Hellfire that conversed with the boy, and even though she got shit for it, she persisted in talking to him, Eddie was sure that that was what he liked so much about her. The way that she did what she wanted, the way she cared about people and always saw the best in them even when others couldn't.

"Do you think fake Rambo has enough guns there?" Robin asked Eddie with slight ausement as she looked down at the advertisment on the paper, there was a man dressed up as Rambo with a big gun in his hand, and a bunch of other weapons surrounding him in the picture, "is that a grenage? I mean how is any of this legal?" Robin asked in disgust, clearly not a major fan of guns.

"Tell me about it," Adira muttered out as she glanced down at the weapons scattered across the page. The fact that it was so easy for people to buy guns and ammo in their country concerned her. Weapons like these could easily get into the wrong hands and then innocent people could get hurt.

"Well, lucky for us it is so. This... this place is just far enough outside Hawkins. As long as we steer clear of the main roads. We oughta be able to avoid cops and, uh, angry hicks," Eddie said, not only refering to Jason and his mates who were currently out on the hunt for him, but now practically all of Hawkins who believed that he had killed Chrissy and Patrick as well as kidnapped Adira

"If we are trying to avoid angry hicks, then maybe we shouldnt go to some store called war zone," Erica said in annoyance, not seeing how this was a good idea. She placed her hands on her hips and sent a sassy look over to Eddie who seemed to think that this place was practically heaven

"Normally I would agree but... we need the weapons, so I think that it is worth the risk," Nancy said as she leant over the table to get a better look at the image in front of them.

"Me too," Lucas agreed, scrunching his face up slightly. He had never really been a fan of guns, but he knew that they needed them right now to defeat Vecna and he wanted to keep max safe.

"Yeah but is it really worth the time?" Dustin adds, feeling slightly sceptical as he looked down at the article. They were running out of time, Adira and Max were struggling to keep themselves awake and Vecna was getting closer to killing everyone. The War Zone was outside of town so it would take a while for them to get there if they had a vehicle, and since they now only had bikes available, it would take a whole day and time was one of the things that they were very limited on.

"Dustin's right, it will take the whole day to bike there and back guys, and we don't have that kind of time," Adira agreed, unaware of the way that Robin was practically drooling over her. Robin hadnt been able to take her eyes away from Adira who was hunched over the table, one hand pressed firmly against the wood as her bust pushed out of the top of her shirt lightly. Robin was eyeing them carefully as she softly gnawed at the inside of her cheek with her teeth, trying her best to drag her eyes away

Adira's car was still at Ricks house if not at the Sherifs station, Steve's car was back at the back roads behind the woods near the lake house and nobody else had a car.

"Well who said anything about bikes?" Eddie asked them as a small grin tugged on the corners of his lips.

"What, do you have some sort of car that we don't know about?" Steve asked him sarcastically. The Munson only had one car and Eddie's uncle was currently using it, he was at work along with the car. Eddie slowly stood up, standing in front of Steve with a slight intimidating look on his face, he was taller than Steve so it was quite an amusing interaction to witness for the other teens around them

"It's not exactly a car, Steve," Eddie said as he shrugged his shoulders and buried his hands into his pockets with a smug look on his handsome face. The teens waited for him to elaborate on his extremely vague statement, "and its not exactly mine, but uhh... it will do." The grin on his face was enough for Adira to feel a buzzing in her lower abdomen, but she kept a blank look on her face, fighting off the smirk that was begging to be displayed on her lips.

Eddie turned around to face Max who was still standing over near to phone as if she were waiting for someone at the Byers household to call her back. "Hey red, uh, you got a ski mask or a bandana, preferably not covered in blood," Eddie added as he looked over at Adira who had his bandana which had soaked up a bunch of her blood, "or you know, something like that?" Eddie asked her hopefully as he continued to keep whatever plan he had to himself for the time being. He knew that he hadnt exactly been much of a help with the mission so far, so he wanted to contribute in any way possible, and if that meant stealing a van, then that was what he was going to do, he was already a criminal anyways, so what was the harm on theft?

Max was silent as she tried to think if she had anything before she grinned slightly up at them, recalling the fact that she had a Michael Myers's face mask tucked away at the back of her cupboard from the Halloween when she had first come to Hawkins, "something like that," she replied with a grin and then ran off to her room to retrieve the mask"

"Alright Eds, so are you gonna let us in on whatever brilliant plan it is that you have?" Adira asked hopefully. Eddie didn't exactly have a tendency of thinking things all the way through, so she wanted to make sure that this plan was thought out enough so that they weren't going to get themselves in trouble, hurt or killed.

"Well my dear Adira," he began in a fancy voice, a proud look on his face as he believed that he had come up with the most amazing, fool proof plan to ever exist, "the Smiths a few houses down live in their van, their van which happens to still run, we are going to sneak over to the van, I'm gonna Hotwire it and then we are all gonna get the hell out of here and over to The War Zone," Eddie said casually.

Adira raised her eyebrow at the boy, "are you sure this is a good idea Ed, i mean, we don't even know if they are there or n-"

"They are always there, they sit out the front of their trailer smoking and drinking, its all they ever do. We just need to sneak past them and make sure that we don't get seen by anyone else in the park, though to be honest nobody would even bother to help, the people around here aren't all exactly the most amazing neighbours, anyways, the mask is just in case someone spots us and recognises me," Eddie said and shrugged his shoulders once more, "It will be easy adira, don't worry, i do illegal shit like this all the time."

"Is that supposed to impress me Munson?" Adira asked him with a small smirk

"Well I heard you liked bad boys," Eddie replied with a wink. Adira's face scrunched up in a mixture of amusement and disgust as she snorted in laughter

"Oh my lord Munson, please tell me you did not just say that," Adira choked out through her giggles

"Well I mean he has got a point," Nancy added as she shrugged her shoulders and pursed her lips in agreement

Max ran back out of the room with the mask in her hand, "alright, ready?"

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