The funeral

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People from all around Hawkins, well, what was left after people decided to leave due to the earthquakes, had all come down to the cemetery for the funeral of Adira Harrington.

When news has spread that the 17 year old girl had died, nobody could believe it, not even a week ago the bubbly girl was skilling around, helping people carry their groceries or offering to mow lawns for free.

But the news that had shocked people even more was the news from the police when they had explained that Adira was the one who had apparently killed Chrissy and possibly Fred and Patrick.

Nobody believed it. Not a single person. They all knew that she wasn't capable of something like that, not to mention everyone was well aware of the fact that Adira and Chrissy had been attached at the hip. They were best friends, neither of them would have ever done anything to hurt the other.

At the front stood Mike, Will, Dustin, Lucas, eleven, Jonathan, Eddie, Nancy and Robin in a group. Steve stood over by himself, you could tell that he hadn't slept since it happened. He had dark bags under his red eyes, but he was still dressed up nicely. His hair was neat, somehow even more neat than usual and he was staring blankly at the coffin, like he had no tears left

"Their parents didn't even come back down for the funeral," Dustin muttered out to the group sadly. They moved their eyes away from the closed coffin and over towards Steve, sympathetic glances were being sent his way from all the people there, "apparently they had work stuff to deal with and it was just too important."

Finally, the funeral director stepped up next to the coffin, looking around at everyone, offering them all a small, kind smile. "Today we gather here to recognise a beautiful soul that had been taken too early. Adira Harrington, which many of you here today may know as Addy, was a beautiful, bubbly and bright 17 year old," he said to them all and then continued his speech.

Once he had stopped talking, he gestured for anyone who would like to speak, to come up and do so now. Mrs Sinclair was the first one to walk up, offering a small smile to Steve to give her condolences, "I didn't know Adira Harrington for a very long time but even with the short amount of time that I had to get to know her, I really do feel like I got to know her. She was a sweet girl and I didn't spend much time with her but I am so grateful to have met her and that she was in my sons life. Adira was a sweet girl, with a big heart. And whilst she was only 17, she was one of the most mature people that I have ever known, she looked after my son Lucas. I know that she will be in heaven right now, she's watching over us all, but most importantly she's watching over you kids," she said and looked down at the group at the front, shaking softly at the sad looks on their faces

"Adira Harrington was taken from us too soon, but the lord knows that angels cannot survive long on earth, I pray that she is happy and at peace now. She didn't deserve to die like this, and I hope that whatever or whoever did this to her is found and punished accordingly," she finished with a small nod and then went back to her spot. They waited for someone else to step up, but many people believed that they didn't deserve to speak up because they hadn't spent that much time with her.

Andy went up next, "Ads was one of the best people that I have ever met. She was always there for me and the boys whenever we needed her, she was always looking out for us and making sure that we kept the grades that we needed to keep playing sport. Or if we felt upset or sad, she was somehow able to always make us feel a million times better. Honestly I'm scared, scared to see what life will be like without you here. It's not going to be the same without you. You're our sister," he sent a sad look over to Steve, "we graduate soon, can you believe that? We wouldn't have been able to get this far without you ya know? All the endless hours that you put in for us and now you won't even get to graduate."

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