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I want to go home

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"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN," the voice of Caesar Flickerman fills the air, "the victor of the 72nd Hunger Games; Thana Jardin!"

The girl just congratulated stands still, blood drips from everywhere and her legs buckle under her weight now that the adrenaline has disappeared and the pain from her infected wound haunts her body and mind again. All around her are the bodies of the last fallen tributes. Her soul cries as she sees Jack lying there with a knife in his head.

"NO! NO!" Thana pulls her body closer to Jack's as she notices a hovercraft. She clings to the boy and caresses his cheeks as tears fall out of her eyes upon the death boy. The boy that is her soulmate, a platonic one, but a soulmate, nonetheless.

When Thana opens her eyes for the first time since her games, all she sees is white. Beside her Rohan rises from his chair with a sad and melancholic expression on his face.

"Hey Thana," the voice from her mentor is soft and vulnerable, "how do you feel?"

Thana looks up at the man with wide eyes and some sort of nurse enters with a smile.

"Miss Jardin, congratulations on your victory," the nurse smiles at the young woman, "You have completely healed, there is some scarring left but if you feel okay then you can be dismissed from the hospital."

"I- I," Thana's voice breaks with every sound she tries to communicate and just sounds painful, "okay." The girl manages to say and gives the nurse a small smile to convince her.

"Well okay, that is great," the nurse smiles brightly, "I'll make sure a car will be here within a minute to bring you back to district 9's quarters."

Once Thana enters the floor that she spent her time as a tribute, the tears start to fall, a painful sound rings from her throat as Rohan embraces her as quickly as he can. The man always feared having to comfort a tribute he mentored that won. Sure, he always wants the tributes to win, but the pain they are put through and will keep going through just hurts his heart. He silently strokes the girl's hair, pain in his heart for the girl.

"It is okay," Rohan says to Thana, "you are safe here, no one can see or hear you."

With those words the tears slowly stop, Thana looks into her mentor's face with pain in her own eyes that matches the man. "I want to go home."

"And we will tonight after your victory ceremony where you receive your crown," Rohan stays kind and keeps the girl close to him, here in the capitol he would be her father, her guardian to assure her safety the best he can.

After an hour or so, August enters the room to find Thana tucked in close to Rohan. A soft smile forms on August his face.

"It is good to see you again Thana," a genuine smile finds it way on the escorts face and he motions for Thana's stylist and prep team to enter as well.

"We are very happy to see you again and keep working with you," the voice of Ilya is like always soft and welcoming, "I have a beautiful yellow dress for you tonight."

A yawn escapes Thana and she smiles softly at the people. "Tha- Thank you."

"Let's give her some rest, okay?" Rohan offers and with that everyone leaves the two victors.

"Thana, I want you to listen carefully." Rohan face turns serious. "You need to prepare for tonight, you will rewatch your games and need to stay in your sweet and nice girl character, with this I don't mean you can't cry. But you will stand on your one there with only Caesar with you. I will be close though so we can leave immediately after it back to 9."

Thana's eyes become watery again, "I don't want to see myself going through that again."

"I am so sorry," Rohan hugs her again, "I wish you didn't have to."

That evening Thana is all dressed up in the beautiful yellow dress with a pair of flats. Her hair sits flawless, and her face is made up as if she twinkles in the light. Her hands tremble though, and no matter how hard she tries, her hands play with the pocket watch that is still around her neck. She waits in anticipation before she can enter to podium where president Snow will crown her.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the victor of the 72nd Hunger Games, Thana Jardin!"

A big applause when Thana enters the stage where she kindly waves and bows while smiling brightly at all the people and most importantly the president.

Within seconds the president is done with his speech and makes his way to Thana.

"Hereby I crown Thana Jardin as victor of the 72nd Hunger Games," the president announces and smiles at the girl. "May she enjoy the riches of capitol forever more."

"Thank you," Thana smiles kindly and genuinely at the president as he sets the crown on her head.

Not even an hour late, Thana is waiting for Caesar to call her on stage for the last thing she must do before she can finally go home again.

"Ladies and gentlemen, lets welcome to lovely and kind victor of the 72nd Hunger Games; Thana Jardin!"

With another applause Thana finds herself on a stage smiling and waving.

"Thank you, everyone," Thana smiles brightly as Caesar takes her hand to help her sit down.

"We are very happy to see you again, Thana," the man smiles genuinely, "Are we not?"

The whole crowd cheers, making Caesar laugh and Thana smile.

"But now onto more serious matters," the voice of Caesar changes immediately, "how do you feel?"

"I feel great Caesar," Thana lies, "I can't thank the Capitol enough for taking such good care of me." The crowd claps at her gratitude.

"Well, that is wonderful to hear, my darling." Caesar smiles, "let's look back on your time in the arena together, we all loved watching you." At that moment Thana thought about all the materials they have of her going for a pee, how awful would that be to see.

Thana is happy everything was done, and she only let a few tears leave her eyes whenever Jack appeared on the screen next to her. Her ally, her friend, her soulmate. Rohan has been an amazing supporter of her, and she can't be happier to go home again, to her family. She only hopes they will accept her broken form and love her as is, not as she has always been.

Nora speaking!
Another chapter done, I am proud of myself. One filler chapter and the victory tour and then act I is done! Whoohoo!!
Hope you enjoyed!

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