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"Soldat!" She didn't have any time to process, she never did. That's why at a certain point her body just reacted to the command of the woman, like now, in her unconscious state

She didn't know if she was the only one the powerful woman woke up, otherwise she would have no time for herself since it would take up all of her time. But she never asked anyone else since she never spoke to them anyways

She pushed the thin blanket off her and stood up unconsciously, only then did she start to fully wake up

"Yes ma'am"

"Training room. In 5" the older woman left without another word and it gave the younger one a chance to change out of her shorts and vest to some training leggings and a T-shirt. She brushed her teeth in the small sink that's in the cell with her before she tapped on the door

The guards opened it and she walked forward to stand beside them and she lead the way, with them trailing behind her to the training room

Other girls were making their way to the same room with their own guards but none of them looked at each other, they just stared directly at the floor like it was only them

Once she got in the designated room she stepped in line with others whilst they waited for the woman to come in

"My prized girls" Adrienne spoke as she graciously walked through the doors. No one looked at her, not even the guards that were lined up on the door dared to glance

"The time has come. You've been training for this moment since the days you were born, now is the time to prove yourselves. Over the next few days you will compete with everyone here. The girl left standing will go on to do other things" girl. Was the word Ayla caught onto. Girl, singular. Only one of the sixty girls will go on and the rest will serve to be compost buried outside of the building

That's where all of the others had went. All 300 of them, bred and carried by hydras guards so they would already be born into the dark lifestyle. The black widow organisation partnered with hydra so they could breed their own soldier. Unlike any other

From the moment they were born already a few were eliminated. The ones with any mental or physical issues they couldn't be bothered to deal with and as they grew older only the most promising survived

There was now 60 left and the one standing would be the ultimate soldier

Ultimate soldier - Pietro maximoff [1]✔️Where stories live. Discover now