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Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

IT HAD BEEN 2 WEEKS AND 4 DAYS SINCE AYLA HAD BROUGHT PIETRO BACK FROM DEATH. IT HAD ALSO BEEN 2 WEEKS SINCE SHE WAS LAST AWAKE. Once she had healed Pietro. Wanda had gone to get Ultron and killed him whilst Tony had did a reading on Ayla's vitals. Her heartbeat was faint but it was there and that's all Pietro and Wanda needed to know that their friend was alive.

They had both moved into the tower, now honorary members of the avengers and Bruce and Tony made sure they always checked Ayla's vitals to make sure she was okay or hadn't gotten any worse

Pietro had barely left her side since he had got there, he could only be forced away by his sister but even sometimes that took a lot from him. Ayla was always by his side and he couldn't handle her not being there with him. Especially when she was in that state because of him. He didn't regret saving the child but he just wished it hadn't effected her

The avengers had also been effected by her being in that state. They had grown to like her from when she had been taken to Clint's place with them and they realised she was just a kid who wanted to do right. She had been forced into the assassin thing but that wasn't who she really was and they knew all it

Natasha had been effected the most, apart from Wanda and Pietro, and everyone else didn't really know why. They had only a few conversations but they just guessed it was because Ayla had been out in a sort of similar environment to Natasha. But truth was Natasha knew something, something that proved there was a bond between her and Ayla.

Natasha was in one of Tony's labs on a computer reading up some old files. Even though Ayla had been unconscious they still had to go on missions, though they made sure it was small ones and ones that didn't need the whole team there so someone could keep watch on her state

It was Natasha and Steve that was on the last mission and she was currently going through the information they found, one of which being a black widow programme file

Unknowingly to them they had infiltrated the black widow programme Ayla was born and raised in. Adrienne had moved bases knowing that they caught onto the location, so her and her guards packed up

Natasha opened the file only then realising where she had been sent on the last mission and her eyes scanned over one specific file


Natasha sat in shock, just looking at the file for a second before she finally had the guts to open it

300 girls were produced from our guards so they wouldn't be on any records. This meant we had their full control. But there was a special product. From when Natasha Romanoff was a child all the others knew how much potentially she had. So when Madame b realised, when it was time for Natasha Romanoff to be sterilised, they had a few eggs taken and stored. When her sister, Adrienne took over and started a new black widow programme, she made sure to put one of the best agents eggs to use

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