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Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

IT WAS THE THIRD NIGHT AND BECAUSE LILA AND COOPER KNEW AYLA WAS LEAVING THEY HAD CONVINCED HER TO SIT DOWNSTAIRS WITH THEM FOR DINNER. It took quite a while but she sat at the far end of the table with Lila and copper on either side of her seats. They were currently drawing before they had to eat and Ayla's was horrendous. She had never picked up a pen or paper in her life and especially didn't draw so it was all a mystery to her

"You're terrible" cooper said with a laugh and Ayla looked to him with a playful glare, she knew it was true

"Hey! That's rude!" The 2 kids both giggled turning back to their own drawings

A man, fury had joined them at a table not long before that and had also invited himself in yet Ayla didn't know whether he was a threat or not since she didn't know him. So she just vowed to stay away

"Ultron took you folks out of play to buy him some time" the dark skinned man said and Ayla had to bite back the comment on the fact she kicked their butts too
"My contacts all say he's building something. The amount of vibranium he made off with. I don't think it's just one thing"

"Do you know anything about this?" Tony said to Ayla. She looked up from her messy drawing seeing eyes on her

"No, I didn't care about what he was doing. I was there too.." she turned to the small children
"Cover your ears" they listened and she looked back up
"I was there just to kill Tony. He ruined their lives and I couldn't be asked to listen to the evil plan. Killing Tony was a part of it so I didn't care" she moved the kids arms down signalling they could listen and the avengers either looked amused or annoyed

"What about Ultron himself?"

Fury: "Oh, he's easy to track. He's everywhere. The guys multiplying faster than a catholic rabbit"

"Why would a catholic rabbit multiply?" Ayla questioned Laura. Laura just smiled at her and ruffed the hair on her head. It made Ayla feel somewhat of a child so she huffed and swatted the woman's hand away who just laughed

"It still doesn't help us get an angle on any of his plans though"

"Is he still going after launch codes?"

Fury: "Yes he is. But he's not making any headway"

Tony: "I cracked the pentagons firewall in high school on a dare" Ayla smirked sitting up

"I cracked it when I was 11" she smiled and Tony snorted whilst cap gave her a look

"She one ups me every time" Tony muttered

Fury: "Well I contacted our friends at the nexus about that"

"Nexus?" Steve questioned confused not knowing what it was

"It's the world internet hub in Oslo. Every bit of data flows through there. Fastest access on earth" Bruce explained

Clint: "so what did they say?"

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