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PIETRO WAS TAKING DOWN HIS OWN LOT OF PEOPLE BUT WHEN MORE JOINED SHE KNEW SHE NEEDED TO STEP IT UP. She reached for her belt and pulled it out which revealed to be a sword and she held it up, getting in a ready stance

Sword had been her weapon of choosing and she was amazing as she wielded the weapon.
As soon as the first person went forward, she swung, cutting of the man's neck and turned to the other one, piercing it in his heart

She turned once again and swiped the legs of another one and once he was on the floor she stuck the knife through his shirt, hitting his heart

She turned to pietro, seeing him struggle slightly so she moved forward and swung, cutting 3 heads off in the process which helped him

Though it didn't do much favours for her as someone stuck on collar on her neck. She didn't know what it was for and continued until she dropped to her knees, screaming in pain as volts of electricity flowed through her

Pietro's eyes immediately snapped up to her and fought them off before rushing over. He punched the man controlling her and the pain stopped for a moment

"Hey, are you okay?" She looked up, breathing heavily and nodded but when she looked behind him she saw more people coming over

"You need to go" she whispered but he shook his head. He had no chance and she knew this. He had no powers and his fighting wasn't to her level

"I told you. I'm not leaving you" she had prepared for this ever since she first moved into the tower.

"I know" she whispered. She pulled something out of her pockednand pressed the button and watched as it expanded into a vest

"Put this on" she told him. He eyed it warily before doing it and once it was on she smiled sadly and pressed her lips to his, their eyes closing momentarily

"I love you. But you're not staying here" his eyes widened as he tried to scramble the vest off realising, but it was too late. She pressed a button and he was immediately ripped from her arms and flown up, his body propelling in the air and back to the tower

"Ayla! Don't!" He shouted back to her but it was only a few seconds before he was completely gone from her sight

She would have made one for herself but not only was she making the vest for him, she was doing it without permission. And stealing things from the lab and spending time there was questionable. So if she was there for longer, making a second one for herself people would get suspicious

And besides, she couldn't go back to the tower knowing people were following her. It would put everyone there at risk. Not only the avengers but humans that worked there too. She wasn't going to be selfish. Not this time

She got back up off the floor and ran behind a wall as they started shooting at her. She could hear them come closer so she climbed it and once they got there she jumped on top of ones shoulder and twisted the gun out of his hands. She shot the guys around them as he tried to pry her off but once she shot him in the head too, he went limp, dropping her on the floor but she landed on her feet.

She turned shooting at the next few agents that advanced and shot one before grabbing his body and using it as a shield. She shot the others watching as they dropped but she didn't realise the guy going around them and picking up the remote till it was too late. She pointed her gun but the burning sensation flowed though her.

Her body shook and she couldn't control herself as she dropped, her arms scratching her body trying to get rid of the burn

2 guards walked forward and grabbed her arms, lifting her up of the floor and another put a injection in her neck, watching as she went limp in their arms.

Pietro went flying through the avengers window, landing in front of them all as they all hung around the living room. They immediately got up in fighting stances but once they saw it was pietro they stood down

"She's gone" he whispered making everyone furrow his eyebrows


"She's gone!" Aside from the million questions running through their head they knew who he was talking about

He took the vest off, throwing it somewhere else in the room

"Where is she?" Clint asked confused

"I dont know!" He shouted
"We got attacked in the park! And she put this fucking vest on me and sent me here!" Tony picked it up from the floor recognising it. Him and Bruce had saw her in there working a few times but didn't mention it

"This is what she's been working on" Tony said turning to the other scientist
"In the lab, she was doing this"

"Where is lady Ayla now?" Thor asked

"It took me 15 minutes to get here, she's probably gone now" he said angrily sitting down. No one knew what to say

"Friday. Surveillance in the park" the tv lit up showing them the park but it was empty aside from the 50 bodies laid on the floor

"Oh my gosh" Natasha mumbled. She was trying not to act as hurt as she felt knowing Ayla had been captured
"Did you guys kill everyone?"

"I only killed like six" Pietro mumbled sitting back with a bitter smile
"It was all Ayla"

"Friday, show the surveillance from 25 minutes ago" the video rewinded showing a park yet it was empty, until a minute later when Pietro and Ayla walked in. They were both smiling and laughing till Ayla's demeanour changed and then they both changed direction going back out but they were stopped. They watched as Ayla took down all the people who were now known to be guards, they saw her take out the sword continued.  Wanda's eyes watered as she watched Ayla drop and Pietro went over to her. Pietro put the vest on unknowingly and she kissed him before he was sent away

Wanda put her hand on Pietro's shoulder but he was too tense to even acknowledge it

The fight continued on, the avengers watching in awe and shock as they watched her take down all the guards till she dropped to the floor in pain once again and then they made her pass out

"Pietro there was nothing you could've done" Steve said calmly

"I told her I wasn't going to let her get taken"

"She knew this was going to happen Pietro. She made the vest for you, to keep you safe. She was prepared for this, to protect you" Tony walked over to a hologram

"Friday. Show me surveillance of the area" pictures showed up and he caught the van they put Ayla in

"Track it"

"The number plate is located to a middle of a field sir. I have surveillance" another video showed up that showed Ayla getting put into a helicopter but that had to of been 10 minutes ago, but how had they gotten from the park to the field so quickly

"Track the helicopter" there was a moment of silence

"There has been a wall. Location isn't secured" Pietro felt himself tearing up so he put his head in his hands and pressed his fingertips to his eyes trying to suppress it

"Get this fucking thing off me" he angrily stared getting up. Bruce looked to him confused before noticing something stuck on his neck

"What is it?"

"A power blocking device thing" he grumbled sitting down. Bruce put his hand on it and tried pulling it off but it didn't work

"You'll need to come down to the lab"

"Is that why Ayla wasn't using her powers?" Sam asked and Pietro nodded in reply

Ultimate soldier - Pietro maximoff [1]✔️Where stories live. Discover now