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Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

IT WAS DOWN TO 40 GIRLS. The other 20 had been killed for being the slowest in the agility training therefore they didn't live to see the next day and Ayla had been left out on top once again. Not that she cared. She wasn't there for anyone else but herself, then again she wasn't all there. In fact. It wasn't even really her mind

They needed a tester from birth, a child they could manipulate easier than the others so from around a month after being out of the womb she was hit with electricity. Volts on volts throughout her, what was supposedly her childhood.

Her conscious mind was there, though her body knew not to hesitate. To make the kill and it would never listen to the part of her that didn't want to do this, the part that screamed to stop before her finger moved to pull the trigger

She felt like she was trapped in her whole body and whenever she was succumbed to the same 4 grey walls every night, that's when she let it all out

It was now the next day and the girls were back in the training rooms all lined up whilst Adrienne stood in front

"you will go up against a guard, easy enough for today and then the teals tests will start tomorrow" they all knew what she meant. This was a warmup for them but even then. They would fight the guard till death. It was kill or be killed

"245 you first" The girl that was a few feet from Ayla stepped forward, not hesitating to make her way to the ring and the guard that was fighting her followed.

"And.. fight!" Ayla didn't bother to look, she instead kept her eyes trained directly in front of her as well as the other girls and it was when they head a loud thud

They all looked to see 245 standing up dangerously still beside the new corpse once called a guard. She slipped out of the ring and took her place in line whilst the other guards dragged the dead body out

"300" Ayla turned her her head slowly to Adrienne seeing her directly looking at her and she nodded very slightly before walking up. Her movements were graceful and precise and once she got up she stood feet apart from who she was fighting with her hands at her sides

"Fight!" She waited a moment, studying him before she leaped forward, her hand reaching out to punch his chest. A gasp escaped his lips as she knocked the breath out of him and he turned back to face her before pulling a punch and she lifted her hand to block it. Her knee lifted up to his stomach and he groaned as his body moved forward.

The thoughts raced through her mind in less than a millisecond, a voice, her voice reached out to her. Begging and pleading not to go through with it

At his weakness she moved her hands to his neck and twisted it, his body now limp dropped to the floor and she stood up straight before walking over to her spot once again

Her fight didn't need to be long, or bloody. She preferred to get to the point instead of dragging it out. She would go for the easy kill if that's what it meant. This was her survival


She had just gotten out the cold shower, they aren't allowed warm ones, just cold because showers were to clean, nothing else.

She looked in the small mirror and her eyes latched onto her hair. It was all in a bun that she couldn't take care of. Because she didn't know how. Her hair wasn't like the other girls, it wasn't easy to run through and just throw in a bun. She had to brush through it whilst it was wet and couldn't even do anything once it was dry so she just left it. She knew it was knotted and probably matted. She hadn't touched it in over a month because it was too much work

She huffed and walked out of the showers. This was one of the only times guards wasn't following her so she decided to go a longer way back to her cell/ room

"You know she will win" Ayla froze at the voice and walked towards it. A door was slightly open which allowed her to see through it. Adrienne was there and in front of her was a man she knew as one of the heads of hydra

"Yes. I am aware, she's the best one there. I've made sure to push her the hardest as you have given her more electricity" Adrienne commented and Ayla knew they were talking about her. She always knew that her coach was harder on her than everyone else, making her stay behind to continue after everyone else had went to bed. She even taught her ballet to push her over the edge, the precision helping her a lot

Ayla also knew that they put her in the chair, as much as she hated the torture her body wouldn't physically allow her to do anything about it except comply

"That's the problem" the man growled
"She's our best asset. The winner goes to the programme. She will go to the programme but to be in it she has to be in her proper mind. She will still have the skills but she will have to have her subconscious back. She won't her agent 300 anymore, she'll be Ayla. She may rebel"

"I've treated her like my child" Ayla almost scoffed at that
"She knows not to disobey me. Even in her right mind" she turned away from the door and continued to make her way back to her cell as her mind went haywire. What was this programme she was supposed to go to? And why was it so important?

She shook her head and got on her hard mattress, pushing the thoughts to the back of her mind as slept


24. THERE WAS 24 GIRLS LEFT and Ayla was one of them. It was their last day of their test. Only one of them would make it out

"124 and 168" the 2 girls froze for a moment before they both made their way up. Adrienne didn't need to tell them when to start. They did it themselves. The first girl through a punch that the 168 twisted and pulled her back. She got her hand free and threw a punch that hit 124. 168 is quickly recovered and punched her stomach. She grabbed her arms and threw her to the floor with her hands behind her back

"Finish her!" 168 stepped on the back of the girls neck successfully snapping it. The noise ran out through the room yet no one was fazed

There was 2 people left who hadn't fought yet 300 and and 237. They both stepped up and Ayla could see the fear in the other girls eyes. She was scared too, but she would never show it like how the girl did. She looked down at her stance seeing her leaning on her left foot

Her right is her weak spot

She smirked to herself and allowed the girl to hit first. She dodged the punch easily, almost as if she was seeing it in slow motion and then punched her right side. Her body tilted in pain and Ayla grabbed the girls neck before slamming her on the floor

237 stood up quickly. she was panting, her eyes darting nervously around the room. She was scared, terrified. She didn't want to die

She quickly pulled out a gun that made everyone's eyes in the room widen

"What are you doing!?" Adrienne said angrily
"This is combat! No weapons!" She shakily held the gun to Ayla's head who didn't seem fazed at all

"I don't wanna die" the girl shakily whispered. Ayla smirked before she rolled into her legs, almost too quick to see, and knocked her to the ground face first

Ayla moved forward before kicking her foot down on the small on 237's back. The strong force breaking the backbone immediately, killing the girl

"Good work" Ayla dismissed the praise and got off the ring not paying attention as the other girls cautiously looked to her


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