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Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"WHY ARE YOU GUYS HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE?" AYLA ASKED CAUTIOUSLY, CAREFULLY AS SHE LAID HER HEAD ON PIETRO'S SHOULDER. The twins both looked to each other and Wanda reading Pietro's mind nodded at his unasked question

"We were 10 years old, having dinner, the four of us. Me, Wanda and our parents. When the first shell hits, two floors below, it makes a hole in the floor. It's big, so big that our parents go in, and the whole building starts coming apart. I grab Wanda, roll under the bed, and the second shell hits. But, it doesn't go off. It just... sits there in the rubble, three feet from our faces. And on the side of the shell is painted one word. Stark. We're here to get our revenge" he whispered. They had told Ayla about Tony stark and the avengers he was working with before but she didn't know they had anything to do with them

She looked up to see his pained face and although she didn't understand the bond of a parents and their children she knew it effected them

She lifted her hand up and placed it on his cheek which made him look down at her, his eyes turning from hard to soft as he looked at her light brown eyes. It had been a year since they met. A year since they saw the scared girl thrown on the floor and now she was doing much better, she wasn't as skinny as before though she was still underweight and they had all gotten closer. It wasn't just Wanda and Pietro anymore, the twins. It was Wanda, Pietro and Ayla

"What about you?" Wanda asked and Ayla quickly released her hand from Pietro's face. Wanda had tried not to read her friends mind so she didn't know too much about her

"I've always been here. From when I was born, the same day. They raised me in a base not far from here and shocked me once a week so I was their puppet. There was 300 of us though. I was the only one put in the electric chair. I was the one left standing and now I'm here" she said it calmly, looking straight ahead so she didn't meet their pitiful gazes before her lip turned up in a smile
"But I have you both now" she mumbled moving her head from Pietro's shoulder to his chest and she placed her hand in Wanda's

"You will always have us моя любовь" Ayla sighed (My love)

"I may be born here Pietro but everyone in the base was English. I don't speak Sokovian" she felt the vibrations of his laugh flow through her which made her softly smile

"Then don't worry about it моя любовь" she huffed and rolled her eyes (my love)
"We'll break you out" Pietro said abruptly filling the silence that had been in the air for a few minutes. The other 2 looked to him
"When we go to eliminate stark, the avengers or whatever, you're coming with us" Wanda nodded agreeing with her brother.

"Really?" She muttered questionably. Ayla had thought when they left she would be on her own again. But the twins knew she would be joining them, even if she had to break out herself

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