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Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Chapter 4

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WANDA AND PIETRO HAD FULFILLED THEIR PROMISE TO AYLA. They had gone out of the hydra base and was currently walking through the streets of Sokovia since strucker was now dead

She had changed into clothes that Wanda had forced her to get because she couldn't walk around in her usual combat suit without drawing attention. the twins were currently urging Ayla through streets as they showed her where they grew up and all

"I feel sort of.. naked to be wearing these. My legs are on show" Pietro hummed and looked down at her bare legs without her realising and Wanda snorted reading his mind

Wanda: "It's you're first time wearing them, you'll be fine. And besides it's actually quite warm"

They were happily telling her about different places and shops they had visited with their family prior and she was listening as they went along

"Let's find a hotel for the night" Wanda said to them once she realised the time and they both agreed. Ayla wanted nothing more than to lay down on a bed for once and they had told her there would be beds in the hotel

Wanda had mind controlled a woman to give them a stay and they were now going inside their rooms

"So this is my room" Wanda mumbled as she looked at the single bed. She walked to the next room with Pietro and Ayla behind her and opened the door to the other room and saw a double bed there

"And this is both of your room" they both quickly looked to each other then to Wanda

"What? Why?" Wanda shrugged in reply

"I like peace and these were the only other rooms left" Ayla huffed and zoned in on the smile on Wanda's face

She didn't look to upset

"I'm going to shower" Ayla said shrugging it off and she turned to walk in the bathroom


Wanda had a shower in her room and since she was out before Ayla she let Pietro use it too

Ayla huffed walking out in her pyjamas with a hairbrush stuck in the side of her hair. She had tried to do her hair by herself but it didn't work out like she hoped

"Wanda" Ayla said appearing in her doorway. She was currently sitting on a sofa watching the television with Pietro sitting beside her.

They both turned to her hearing her voice and once they got a good look at the girl they both started laughing

"I tried to do my hair. But I can't" she mumbled almost sadly. Wanda patted the space in front of her and Ayla moved sitting on the floor there

"You don't need to feel bad you can't do it. You've never done your hair before"

"But you can do it" Ayla almost whined

"I like doing hair and yours is entirely different to mine, it's nice"

"It tough. It's hard to brush and it never detangles"

"But it looks really nice"

Pietro: "That it does дорогой" (Sweetheart)

She turned to him with a thankful smile for making her feel better and Wanda rolled her eyes. They were both so oblivious it actually hurt her mind. How can the two people she loves most on the world be so dumb?

Wanda patted Ayla's shoulders signalling she was done so she got up and hugged her

"Thank you Wanda"

"Anytime" she stood up and stretched her legs and yawned

"I'm going to go to bed, goodnight" she smiled at Wanda and walked out

It was 20 minutes later when Pietro came and laid down beside her. She wasn't asleep yet though she was tired. It just felt wired sleeping on a mattress that wasn't rock hard or even in a room that wasn't a cell

"Can't sleep?" He questioned and she hummed. He shuffled closer bringing his arm around her and she placed her head on his chest. She liked to do that. Maybe it was because she was never this close with anyone else, or it could just be the fact she's taken beating hearts and she hopes it will stay that way for Pietro, but she'll never know

"Thank you for getting me out of there" she whispered gratefully and he smiled down at her

"I told you I would дорогой. And I don't break my promises" (Sweetheart)

"But they're going to come for me. It wasn't just hydra that wanted me. It was the black widow programme too. they'll come for me" she sat up slightly so she could look into his eyes

"No they won't-"

"They will" she interrupted him softly
"Now that I have powers I'm an even greater asset to them. B-but" she laced her hands with his and looked up into his eyes
"If it does happen. If they make me into their puppet again I don't want you to try and get me back" he scoffed slightly not even contemplating doing that in his mind

"That's insane"

"I don't want you hurt. Please Pietro. You and Wanda are the only people I have left and if you get hurt or die trying to save me I won't forgive myself" his hands moved over hers in a firm grip but it wasn't enough to hurt her

"моя любовь. I won't go anywhere without you. I will never leave you behind especially in the hands of the ones who have done you wrong" (my love)

"Pietro" Ayla murmured closing her eyes, a few tears fell down her cheeks that Pietro quickly wiped away with the pad of his thumb

Pietro: "No. You and Wanda are everything to me too. And I won't. I won't do it" she opened her eyes, the lids heavy from the wetness the tears have brought and she looked up to meet his

She always loved his eyes and found it as if she was staring at the ocean. She had never seen it but somehow she knew that his were similar

"You have to"

"I can't. моя любовь what don't you understand?" (My love)

"I'm not worth it. What don't you understand? I've killed people"

"You was controlled"

"I pulled the trigger. Me. Not anyone else. And even after I was mind controlled I still did it"

"I don't care about that. And if I could control who i cared about I would still choose it to be you. If they try and get to you I'll be there, I'll make sure they don't" he didn't realise how close he was to her until his eyes caught onto her lips that were just centimetres from his but he didn't pull back. Instead he moved the small space forward, finally connecting his to hers

Ultimate soldier - Pietro maximoff [1]✔️Where stories live. Discover now